A Big Butt And A Smile

Wisconsin - Pennsylvania and Ohio all have large urban centers that a dem needs to win if they have a shot of winning those states.


If I could down vote you I would.

He changed his tune when he started running tho.

“ What am I missing?”

I’m in the same boat with you.

This “women of color” bullshit.

Jim Crow was yesterday...

Blah Blah Blah

SO what you’re saying is you don’t understad how the racial wealth cap works and that working class white people are worth more than your pediatrician daughter and Captain son and they likely don’t have (and will never get) all that education.

I mean...

You’re unhinged.

1. You said you didn’t think I talked to any trans-people in real life. I said I did. That’s all.

“...certain reasonable sacrifices...”

Are you happy with that tho?

This Kamala love is still baffling to me.

I’m not voting for a former prosecutor and I suspect you’re going to find that a hard sell among many black people.


I mean.

“ Honestly, how many trans people do you even speak with on a regular basis? “