
@Stevenson: "How do you kill one that has no life"

If you think your privacy matter as much, simply delete off you profile.

@Batousi: I've gotta say, thats a Win in my book!

@AlCaPWN96: Awesome! I'll trust u enuf not to say its fake :)

Mythbusters should test the myth, if Apple will overtake Microsoft in the coming years? :D

@kellanpan: Only if u could find a cydia that can make it spell, "Slide to unleash"

This post made me smile.

I can do everything I need in the native email client. Seriously all we need is: look at mail, reply... done!

The only people I see using this is PC users.

@Gizmodoholic: Oh that makes sense. Sorry for ignoring y'all linuxers!

Why would i use all these programs when i can just use itunes.

@j3oomerang: Just use OSX only for 2months, then come and say the same thing again.

Actually I beg to differ, I upgraded to Office '10 and I aint goin' back.

When i was 12, I use to wake up 4am in my boarding school and run 5km everyday.

Hmmm.... Protein... Yummy!

@mouseclone: Stop trolling. Apple didn't make the app store because of Ubuntu's software centre "success". They made it to mimic the iphone's success.