
You say this but just try it sometime. Seriously. It is much easier to recognize bad writing than to create good writing.

This show is better written than some and I think there is some hope for it.

It's not like they are playing a game or anything. They could not look more fake if they tried.

I still play Diablo 3 when I want a quick bit of gametime. I have Guild Wars 2 and Mists of Pandaria both eating up gobs of available gametime. I still have not finished The Witcher 2 or Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning on my XBOX 360.

Well, there is that whole "not wanting to die" thing.

I didn't even NOTICE the slidey-bar until you mentioned it. I thought it was just a split shot. Slidey-bar is awesome!

I owned this penis-drill Micronaut when I was a kid. Loved me some Micronauts....

They need a site like this except more in the style of Yahoo: Answers where men translate for women and vis versa. I translate man-talk for some of my wife's friends and the service is always appreciated. They don't always like what they hear but I try my hardest to give them an honest "what does this mean?" answer.

I have utterly no regard for the authenticity of their roast beef. I only know that I crave it regardless.

Doomsday Machine.

What is that flying disc? I need one....

Cameron wanted someone who could blend in for the Terminator. From a logic point of view that would make the most sense; you want an infiltrator to be nondescript. But the studio wanted someone menacing. This is one of those cases where I think that studio interference was actually helpful instead of harmful.

A visit to any bar near a college frat house will show that humans are still having sex with Neanderthals quite regularly.

Although human decency was clearly the theme of this show (Olivia demonstrating it and providing a path to redemption for her daughter) I don't think that that is the arc of the entire last season.

Because, unfortunately, the box office receipts show that the moviegoing public doesn't want it.

I enjoyed the heck out of Prometheus. Can't wait for the sequel.

If you look at all the collective nonsense on the Internet (spam, cute cats, porn and memes) I would think we'd have very little to fear from the sentient Internet.

Hey, let's make a lame game then make it get more attention than it deserves by slapping a nostalgic title on it!

A monkey shoots fireworks from a cannon and the attack is called "Shoot ALL the fireworks!"

Lighten up; it was a joke. The joke was to make you think you were getting a teaser and you really didn't. I'm guessing it wasn't even him that came up with the idea; it was probably Conan.