
Well, there is that whole "not wanting to die" thing.

I didn't even NOTICE the slidey-bar until you mentioned it. I thought it was just a split shot. Slidey-bar is awesome!

I owned this penis-drill Micronaut when I was a kid. Loved me some Micronauts....

They need a site like this except more in the style of Yahoo: Answers where men translate for women and vis versa. I translate man-talk for some of my wife's friends and the service is always appreciated. They don't always like what they hear but I try my hardest to give them an honest "what does this mean?" answer.

I have utterly no regard for the authenticity of their roast beef. I only know that I crave it regardless.

Doomsday Machine.

What is that flying disc? I need one....

Cameron wanted someone who could blend in for the Terminator. From a logic point of view that would make the most sense; you want an infiltrator to be nondescript. But the studio wanted someone menacing. This is one of those cases where I think that studio interference was actually helpful instead of harmful.

A visit to any bar near a college frat house will show that humans are still having sex with Neanderthals quite regularly.

Although human decency was clearly the theme of this show (Olivia demonstrating it and providing a path to redemption for her daughter) I don't think that that is the arc of the entire last season.

Because, unfortunately, the box office receipts show that the moviegoing public doesn't want it.

I enjoyed the heck out of Prometheus. Can't wait for the sequel.

If you look at all the collective nonsense on the Internet (spam, cute cats, porn and memes) I would think we'd have very little to fear from the sentient Internet.

Hey, let's make a lame game then make it get more attention than it deserves by slapping a nostalgic title on it!

A monkey shoots fireworks from a cannon and the attack is called "Shoot ALL the fireworks!"

Lighten up; it was a joke. The joke was to make you think you were getting a teaser and you really didn't. I'm guessing it wasn't even him that came up with the idea; it was probably Conan.

Very good read. I had a great mental image of the place.

Well, my wife is mixed and sort of a caramel color but she identifies as black; from her point of view she says: "If I can walk down the street and someone might yell (expletive) at me then I'm black."

When it was invite only people were clamoring to get in. Folks were begging for invites. It had what can only be described as explosive growth within the first couple of weeks. Then it petered out. This is all fact.

Yeah, I do think you nailed a point well. It does seem to be trying too hard. I think that is where some of the weaker episodes come from.