Could this become a regular feature please?
Could this become a regular feature please?
Quick someone post that helpful image that tells you when you should buy something on sale! I need the wisdom!
GOG summer flash sale, Woooo! Thank's for the heads up.
DO NOT GOOGLE "GOAT LIST". I need Baldur's Gate II to go on sale so I can continue my rpg addiction this year.
Totally misunderstood, if they haven't figured it out or abandoned the process I imagine mods will save the day.
So I imagine the dialogue wheel will be returning for this game, but if the focus on choices is attempting to shift from binary to dilemma will the whole wheel just be responses? Take away the left side info dump and make them additional options would bring it back to something more akin to DAO. I'm all for having…
As I understand it regardless of the system you play on when you start the game you basically get to tic off a giant list of choices from the two games to set the stage for the third. I imagine the Grey Warden and Hawke probably won't show up so you won't miss any, "Oh look it's me," moments.
That is the kind of thing I was hanging on. Maybe years of MMO's have taught me to, "Fire Bad!!!" so to speak. How do you miss the donkey button? For a point of reference the second training mechanic in Dota 2 specifically deals with the courier function. So this comes down to I played the tutorial (or didn't) and…
I just can't buy it with every part of the UI containing a mouse over tooltip. You may not understand every nuance but to wonder aloud what a spell effect is when what else could it possibly be? Or to be confused by a stat/ability when the game clearly indicates that information if you actually take the time to read…
Watch and be amazed as someone fails to understand basic game mechanics! Every moment he asked, "What is that?!" was a moment I wanted to inflict a hammer on my skull. Are these things really that hard to figure out for people changing from one game to another?
I can totally see the confusion and it does kind of jumble things up a bit. For my personal understanding of the issue is the option to play the coop experience of the story as female was removed creating the point of contention. In regards to the single player we never had the chance to pick gender, and for the…
I think DarkSyphos and myself both agree that the excuse is the same and lame if I am reading said person correctly. The issue people are having seems to be conflated with the lack of Female leads in singleplayer which is a whole different question. I have come to expect, from Ubisoft, that in the multiplayer/coop…
I believe there was some pretty harsh critiques of their comments as well. Consider some of the Twitter links or posts here making the argument that for the most part men and women walk with about the same movement. So when we finally got those missing females in Mass Effect they moved exactly the same. Did that…
How about changing it to "disappointment" if that would help you cope better? I'm in the disappointed-outrage camp.
It's unfortunate that objective modes are the ones most quickly abandoned after launch. I loved the Dominion playlist in Halo 4 or any similar mode in other shooter franchises. The objective kept things interesting, and with a good team even if you didn't always win the coordination was the most satisfying. I would…
The problem is that Ubisoft has more than enough money and resources to throw at the "problem" of getting female avatars into games. The excuse from AAA developers is lazily at best and willfully ignorant at worst.
Was not an option! But I will concede Kart racing is a blast.
Who would have guessed that between Watch Dogs, Soul Suspect, and Wolfenstein that the three decade old franchise would be the most fun?
I could only be happier if this news came with the announcement of a proper Liara statue, Tali, and Wrex. And Mordin. I think I need to start the series over again, thanks for the excuse!
So when do we begin wild speculation about Ghibli "connected universe" or am I late to that party?