
Has the benefit of movie cred as well.

What's the problem here? They didn't have stock available for everyone, so they chose a method that rewarded their customers and probably also cut down on scalping. They probably got more consoles in the hands of gamers who actually wanted them than went to people who just want to flip them. 

What if we built some kind of guide system for these autonomous trucks right into the road, so that the truck didn’t have to steer itself the whole time and can instead just follow a track, since there will be tons of trucks driving the exact same route? Then what if instead of just one tractor pulling one trailer, we

The guy that intervened was having exactly none of Karen’s bullshit and good for him.

I fully support throwing the book at these fuckers, flying is unpleasant enough without these stupid assholes lashing out at the people who’s job it is to keep you safe and comfortable while you’re stuffed in a metal tube with a bunch

Thank you so much for your reviews all season. It’s so rare for me these days to be able to read about and discuss a show as I watch it.

I agree regarding chartering the private plane. I much prefer Kevin doing that than taking his 70-something uncle and stepfather on a commercial flight while the pandemic is still going on. I know they’ve mentioned being vaccinated, but I like that the private plane kept them safer.

Sometimes, every now and then, I fucking love the internet.

I can’t wait to get back to business travel, nor can most of my colleagues. Granted, I’m not one of those people who was 100% on the road, so it’s a perk for me. Most of my clients are looking forward to in-person meetings as well, despite the expense.

Neutral: Slideshows....

Lol the main thing is don’t check “Yes” to items like “Do you suffer / Have you suffered from mental illness?” on your background check form.

Easy.  An instrument cluster that is backlit even when headlights are not on.  Because of that, I often see people driving down the freeway with no headlights or taillights on because they have no clue they are off.

I hope at least a few of them are stuck with $5000 worth of PS5s that they can’t sell off.

  • As Kevin was driving Will Bailey Josh Molina into the city on the hospital, why didn’t he call for emergency services when he undoubtedly had cell service?”

I actually learned to drive a stick playing Race Drivin’ in the arcades back in the early 90s. I’m sure I’ll have fifty people in here in a minute throwing shade, but when I actually wound up in a stick-shift car a year later it only took about half an hour before I was perfectly comfortable with it.

One time, back when I was a cop, I stopped this crime ring that was boosting DVD players and car stereos. Long story short, I wound up JOINING the group family and traveling the world committing/stopping crimes. Then I had a kid and they stopped inviting me to the jobs. Kids ruin everything.

Has Hyundai tried explaining to the owners “whoever smelt it, dealt it?”

Someone I know was complaining on Facebook that Moira didn’t have enough of a character arc on ‘Schitt’s Creek’, and I really disagreed. Yes, she starts the series as an over-the-top drama queen, and that’s how she ends it as well, but what changes is the way she relates to other people. She learns to be more generous

A fine fruit wine

I am told it is but I see helicopters go under the Golden Gate bridge all the time so I’m not sure.

if i were rossi i’d consider retiring immediately, and probably not leaving my house ever again. i’d figure i had used up all my remaining luck in that one moment