
Fact #1: Assault Rifle - You’re abusing this word and it’s irresponsible journalism. Did the rifle have 3 round burst capability or full auto? No? Then it’s a SPORTING RIFLE. It is designed for civilian use, not military. It might LOOK miliscary, but it’s not. He didn’t raid a military truck and steal an M-16. And,

A car company with neither magnitude, nor direction.

If you are interested in beautiful churches

Playing devil’s advocate here...but what are you talking about? It literally says in the article that the methodology for proving discrimination is taking names and zip codes. You don’t need to be a data scientist to call BS on that.

Nah. I think Fate has Vegas playing the Pens in the final. As a Pens fans (and Fleury fan), I’m not sure what I’d do with that.

He came to Randall’s house seeking help but didn’t get the chance to say so. His drunk-driving is a plea for help.

I’m all in favor of leaving whatever happens in your uterus between you and your doctor. So that’s not really a topic where you’re going to get an argument from me. Despite my stance on guns, most of my other views would probably be seen as quite liberal. I’m just really into personal freedom.

Your missing the point.

Choke the Raven nevermore.

A gun is a significant lifestyle, training, mindset, and financial commitment. Don’t do it unless you’re willing to be serious about it, and recognize that it is a lethal force tool that can only be used in a lethal force situation. Carrying a gun means checking your ego at the door and backing down from every fight

WTF, no opinion on diagonal staples? So much better, and less chance of tearing.

Bryant Blames Receiving Woes on Good JuJu

Bullshit. The gov’t should not be in the business of deciding which days one should be open; that is for business owners to decide. If you want to work there, you play by those rules.

There is NO reason for one business to be able to be open and another not, just due to the nature of the products they sell. Since

We’re ignoring Subban’s embellishment on the cross-check, we’re ignoring the “every time someone checks us we give them a two-hander across the ankles” plays, we’re ignoring the phantom call that led to a 5 on 3, we’re ignoring the hit on Cullen that wasn’t penalized, etc., right?

As a fellow Pens fan, reading the comments here are hilarious with all the rigged accusations. There is nothing to support the ridiculous notion that the league is rigged for the Pens. And as you correctly mentioned, the team was on the same level as the Capitals till they fired Mike Johnston and Ray Shero. Every year

A team that is perennially chasing another team, has an inferiority complex with “something to prove” and sees that other team as their chief rival tends to play differently against that rival than they do against non-rivals.

You mean like game 2: where a phantom penalty on Malkin gave the preds a 5on3 for 2 full minutes, or like where, just as in game 1, they took away a goal for offsides that was clear on replay (except this time it was the Pens goal being taken away) hmmm. now I’m not a mathmatician, but that seems ... there’s a word

If you watched any of the Penguins playoff games, the annoucers constantly show Crosby getting mauled up and down the ice. Punches to the face, cross checks to the back into the boards, etc. etc. and hardly ever any calls.

Lol, typical caps fan.

Especially if that’s what you want to see.