
Not a pilot, just a guy who reads too much Wikipedia and plays flight sims, but this looks like it could have been settling with power (aka vortex ring state). Same thing that happened during the Bin Laden raid.

At this rate, Saudi Arabia’s going to need to get in on the consumer side of oil to keep demand up.

I wonder how many competitive eaters yak up while competing. I know of at least one:

My parents told me if I wanted a dirtbike or a kart, I would have to buy it myself.
then they re-nigged on that deal after I bused my ass to earn enough money to buy one.
so I bought a dirtbike anyway, and hid it at a friends house until I broke my wrist on it.

I hear those things are awfully loud.

A half-assed job of towing.

Ok, route 8 in Connecticut, ground zero for traveling in the left lane, this woman is doing 50 MPH in a luxury SUV leading about 500 cars that just want to get around her. I finally manage to get in front of her, and I just take my foot off the gas. I don’t brake job, or anything, I just let my car naturally

Brother in law says that he refuses to look at the numbers until the next morning. That way he can at least dream about it for a day.

I call it “two dollars to daydream.” I know I’m not going to win, but I’ll buy a ticket then drive home thinking about all the fun ways I can spend that money. For me, that daydream is worth the $2.

Not putting miles on your Ferrari is like not having sex with your Girl Friend so she’ll be more desirable to her next Boy Friend.

These roadway marriage proposal videos are getting out of hand.

Are we ruling out the possibility that he’s secretly sworn to the Dallas Cowboys, though?

how much nosehair do we [collectively] have?

how much nosehair do we [collectively] have?

Alternate post title: “Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck”

I thought you said she was peeing.

The C-5 is not in any way the right tool for that job. The 748 is better than the C-5 in most meaningful ways: range, speed, MTOW. The only thing the C-5 has an advantage in is its ability to swallow huge pieces of cargo, and even Trump’s mouth isn’t that big.

Well if he ever walks in on you and your wife, you’ll know what to say.

This is how toddlers play with 3-year-old is always crashing into shit with his trucks...on purpose. When I say, “What are you doing.” He states, very matter of fact...”I bang things.”

Who needs an app when you have this handy guide?

Disney let a dying fan see an unedited version of The Force Awakens. I’m sure he and his family signed a mountain of paperwork saying they would talk about the movie with anyone, but what’s really stopping that fan from spoiling the plot? What if he was disappointed—would a lawsuit really stop him from telling