
I haven't had the time to try to understand, but Honda claims aerodynamic benefits to mounting the engines on the wings like they do. If true, not a gimmick.

An EcoBoost V6 always made the most sense in this truck anyways. I'd image the Ecoboost V6 is quite a bit lighter than the 6.2L V8. For a vehicle designed for higher speed off roading, getting rid of all that weight would be a huge win.

Would a pilot be able to do a roll like Tex Johnson did in a modern aircraft like a 787? I wonder if there are envelope protection systems that would prevent a pilot from commanding the plane to an inverted state.

I realize it would take up some space, but I've always thought that the overhead space should be partitioned into assigned sections for each seat. Can't fit all the crap you brought on board into your partitioned space and under the seat in front of you? Check it!

Tom. I'm a little surprised that the surveys aren't anonymous - especially the service surveys where the customer is likely to be a repeat customer. In the scenario you describe above with the out-of-stock part, was the survey anonymous but the customer included enough narrative detail to make it obvious who he was?

I think I moved to the Piedmont last year too. Let me know if you ever figure out what it is.

Neutral - I don't expect my actual mileage to equal the EPA mileage because the EPA mileage is based on a duty cycle (e.g., speeds, amount of starting and stopping, etc.) that is significantly different than real world driving conditions. However, so long as the duty cycle is consistent from one tested vehicle to the

I'm not saying "blind other drivers." I am saying make the tail lights bright enough that looking at them from unsafe following distances would be uncomfortable. This may cause tail gaters to back off.

A few years ago, I was waiting to board a flight and a professional photographer was carrying a Canon 500 mm 2.8 lens in a soft travel case that was appropriately-sized for carry on luggage. The lens is about $12,000 give or take a little. She also had another camera bag (no doubt filled with very expensive bodies

This seems like a lawsuit waiting to happen because it could distract following vehicles from noticing a signal of actual braking.

This list does not account for driver skill and/or attentiveness. I recently moved to the Greensboro, NC area and have never experienced so much bad driving (I have lived in the Boston and DC areas, so I have some basis for comparison. I have never been in an accident in my 21 years of driving and riding a

Pretty terrible, but it does seem to have a groove or two to meet minimum DOT regulations.

I'm not saying they're getting away with something. As far as I know, these vehicles are completely legal. I'm questioning whether they should be legal and I'm looking at the rationale used to ban racing slicks from being used on public streets as a comparison. A heavily-modified off-road truck has the same

But why aren't they approved? The answer (as far as I know) is that slicks are worthless in the rain, negatively affecting my ability to control my car. My point is that raising the center of gravity of a truck by two feet accomplishes the same thing. Thus, why are these heavily-modified trucks allowed to drive on

This is slightly off topic, but why are off-road modified vehicles allowed on public roads? For example, it is illegal to drive on racing slicks on public roads. I either have to have a track-specialized vehicle that I tow to tracks for races or carry along a set of slicks that I mount when I arrive at the track.

Definitely obnoxious, but it seems like it COULD be turned into something really useful. My thoughts are directed to all of the row houses that have a small driveway in front. If I lived in one of these houses, I could see using an app like this to enable someone to park in my driveway when I'm not there. It could

As someone with color deficiency (aka color blindness), I would ask that menu selections be made more distinctive. Often, in video games and Blu Ray or DVD menus, the color changes to indicate which selection is highlighted is so subtle that I cannot tell which option I am about to select. It sometimes becomes a

Which hotel were you staying at? Proximity?

I don't know for sure, but the aircraft probably doesn't have a fuel dump. Most don't. The deciding factor for whether an aircraft has a fuel dump system is whether its maximum takeoff weight can be signficantly more than its maximum landing weight. Generally, only the larger, long-haul aircraft (e.g., 747's,

Re: the smells - the curse of these vans is the carpeted floor. My stepfamily owned a seafood distributorship until about 10 years ago and we used one of these vans for smaller deliveries to local restaurants, hotels, etc. Needless to say, various deceased aquatic creatures dripped all sorts of stuff on the carpet