Lamp oil? Rope? Bombs?!... You got it... As long as you got enough rupees.
Lamp oil? Rope? Bombs?!... You got it... As long as you got enough rupees.
They also removed a lot of charisma of the game, I personally don’t mind it, but they did.
More like, Devolve. Devolve into the nothingness, you greedy scummy game.
Yah, I also enjoyed the piece of wooden log that was playing Han Solo like a 6 year old in a spring play.
I know it doesn’t sound as cool, but this is not powered by the Labo and the switch, it’s controlled by it. A Nintendo Labo controlled wheel chair
Everybody is a critic, so am I!
Do you want to shake the hand of death itself?!
Are we blaming the video game, the students, the teachers, the parents, the school or the guns?
Go back to the Sega CD, you telltale abomination, let me bimeo gemz alone.
How about Wario Ware, Smooth Moves
*sunset under a fallen ship music intensifies*
Does it help?
Maybe if they fixed their stupid medal system already ; Reinhard should not judged on much it has healed, nor Junko, mercy should not be judged on how many kills she got, but how many nearby allied have not died.
PSA : Overreach
Bynot Plex stop plaing Babi gamz ango bak to shcuut
Whore boxes
Cosmetic DLC, broken economy, Xbone X shit lag and un-optimized graphics, hiding under unfinished while costing 40, lack of maps, possible un-deticated servers, RNG.