
The giant grille and small lights on the BMW look terrible. Here’s a beautiful Chinese car with a giant grille and small headlights!”

Don’t do drugs kids.  It leads to articles like this.

one million stars for you

It needs a bigger grill like this.

No. I will get into a fist fight over this.

In fact, it’s one of the best looking 7 Series models the company has ever built.”

Missing Bangle is right up there with missing G. W. Bush, yet I do long for those good old days.

Yea, that’s how I remember it. Ford did the smart thing and got loans and such all lined up just in case. Kudos to Ford for not having to use loans to make up for terrible business decisions. I’d have let GM and Chrysler fail and instead allocate that money to the workers being impacted.

I was working at a competitor’s site when that happened and remembered an employee sneering over it. My response was to the effect that if Mulally felt that Ford wasn’t liquid enough, he had to take steps to insure it. The competitor had to file for bankruptcy. Ford did not because of Mulally’s foresight.

Ohh... saving that one...

Unexpected Broken Lizard

wholly hell, is that a Broken Lizard slow clap GIF?

lying racist Chinese

Right? Those looked great.

Whomever’s opinion it was to say that the Alfa Romeo Phone Dial wheels were the w0rst, I want to Will Smith slap you.

Slide 4: “Any wheel where the number of spokes is not evenly divisible by the number of visible lugs.”

This whole thread is great, with contributions from people who KNOW things - a rarity on the internet.

It is worth noting that, long term, we do not need the Chinese since those rare earth elements are actually available in America but have not been extracted for various reasons. That outcome is likely to change as the price for these materials (or international politics) changes.

anything that can happen to keep us from being beholden to those lying racists gets my attention.

Actually I’m well over my quota for the week, but I figured this would be a fun little post for the weekend. Sorry you had to suffer through it.