
Agreed. Seems like EVs have a huge advantage in terms of simplicity, maintenance, cost, network, reliability, etc..

I love the info and enthusiasm of Doug DeMuro, but damn he’s annoying. 5 min and I’m done, which is a shame because his deep dives into older models is the kind of car nerdery that I love.

Wow. Good job politicizing car design, that came from deep left field. You sound like my father-in-law after 3/4 glass of zinfandel on Thanksgiving. Also, Google how the Republicans and Democrats flipped platforms in the 1920-30s. Modern day democrats would largely be recognized as Republicans in the Lincoln days, if

The s/ was loud and clear. Also, they’re identical.


You’re correct, they both have 4 wheels.

You’re looking at this through the lens of global politics/international relations/human rights, and I’m talking about consumerism. You’re not wrong, but dont be naive.

When Toyota first sold cars in the US, they had zero intentions of pouring money anywhere besides their own pockets. US manufacturing took 40+ more years.

Tariffs are seen these days as just another tax. I’m not sure it’d be popular. Think about how everyone complained about building cost increases when Trump placed

I’d say that shift was directly related to shareholder expectations for constantly increasing share prices. Once the levy broke, everyone jumped in. Now that foreign automakers build in the US while Ford/Chevy builds in Mexico, its hard to say whats domestic these days. I could easily see a Chinese automaker coming in

There’s what should be, and then there’s what is. Buyers *should* care, but most likely wont, especially in this inflated market. The first cheap EV thats mass produced in US will sell out even if it was made by orphaned blind kids making $.02 a month. I dont disagree with your ideals, but it wont matter to the

You’re giving buyers way too much credit here.

No one gives a fuck about the working conditions of the country of origin, just look at how many people buy clothes from seat shops. You’re not wrong, but the general car-buying public will pounce on a cheap car, especially EV in this market.

People said the same about Honda, Toyota, Kia, Hyundai...

Name checks out

At some point its not virtue signaling but just a good business decision. The amount of money saved will be measurable. Same for solar. This is what I tell my friends regarding solar: You don’t have to believe in climate change, you just need to believe in math. They all still squint at me, skeptically, and ask, “if

Its just lawyer speak for “it was an honest accident”. Being a “good kid” 100% matters, in terms of his intent.

His prior record matters, greatly, speaking to his character. If this goes to trial, many character witnesses will be called to prove, along with his presumed lack of criminal history, that he’s just an inexperienced driver (relative to his age) who made a mistake.

but its not trail rated..

People who love the Grand Cherokee, but cant afford one.

Meh, boring malaise era car. I guess survivors are cool, but not this one. Pass.