
Great looking, terrible functionally. Worst headlights, for actually seeing, ever.

I’ve always adored the simplicity of form following function, especially in headlight design. When race cars wanted better aero, they bolted clear plastic over recessed lights.

Perfect, thanks!

Is there any kind of database that shows future locations from this plan?

Hail! King of Pedantia.. take your crown. Obviously I meant smart phone, surely Andriod has some kind of payment system too.

These actually have a pretty nice exhaust note with an aftermarket set of pipes. Its not like this thing will ever end up in a museum, great car to buy/drive in all its early-aughts glory. Not the fastest car, or the best handling.. or the prettiest/sought after.. But hey, for $6k its a clean sporty car in great

Shell currently offers free DCFC through it’s Shell Recharge (formerly called Greenlots). Its a separate app thats not always easy to use, but hey, the price is right. These stations are sometimes at gas stations, but more often they’re at malls or other grocery/superstores.

I cant wait for the days when they all start making their money off chips and hot dogs like gas stations. They could literally swap infrastructure overnight if they wanted to. 

Great for one network, unfortunately there’s 30 networks. Why cant they all just use credit card payment with Apple Pay? Dont try and reinvent the wheel.

I drove the same car when I was rear ended by a semi carrying 2 trailers of grain down a steep grade when his brakes went out. He nailed me while I stopped at the bottom of the hill at a red light, going at least 45mph. I had my foot on the brakes and was pushed 200 feet.

The car is immortal. 6 weeks later it was back

The construction worker who saved the stop sign at the last second is the unsung hero of this story!

So, you’re saying that the President wasn’t late for anything, but just wasn’t as early as other world leaders? Mmmmkay? Also, security. Also, who gives a shit?

My takeaways from this are as follows:

So long as you can get there and back whist reserving a measly 10 miles for offroading, I thing you’ll be fine. EV owner here, and I always reserve at least 30-40 miles as a buffer, but I’ve run the battery down to 2-3 miles on occasion. Just like gas cars, when the fuel light actually comes on you have ~30 miles of

Not sure what the math says, but I can tell you that every single FWD EV I’ve owned has been terrible in the snow, even if you feather the throttle.

Not sure where you got the numbers, but its hard to imagine a car with a battery (its heaviest part) placed between the wheels vs an engine *over* the front wheels

I dont think its going to have a small enough battery to make range an issue, but remember that EVs thrive in slow speeds, even if you’re using a lot of torque. 5-10 miles on the highway might translate to 30-40 miles at crawling speeds. Aero is an EV’s worse enemy.

When off-roading, you’d be surprised by how few miles

You’re correct on an ICE, but a FWD EV w/ no engine over the front wheels on snow is a terrible combo. My Bolt has to be the hands down worst car I’ve ever driven in the snow, even with a set of new snow tires.

I’d love to know what the 0-80% charge time is, that was the Bolt’s “Achilles’ heel”. It was capped at 50kw, but also had a super conservative curve which only allowed you to get to 50kw for a short period of time, and was even worse in cold weather. 0-80% was like 70-90 min depending on weather, sometimes slower

Im not buying a new car unless it has a slideshow.
