
This is a good take. You can take the kids to the beach, get in the jeep wet/sandy and clean it out with a leaf blower when you get home. When the seats wear out in 15 years, buy new ones from aftermarket (or originals on marketplace). Any dip-shit mechanic can work on these, myself included. Just about everything can

A dual-port vehicle could hypothetically plug into two Level 2 (240 volt) chargers at the same time, essentially charging as fast as a Level 3 charger.

I just road tripped 450 miles in an EV and the kids needed to stop for food before the car needed more juice. I just picked a lunch spot at a DCFC and when we were done eating the car was topped off. We only stopped one other time, also for food and charging. Same results.

He’s an attorney and obviously knows his rights. Since he eventually went to the game after filing a police report, his chances of getting a huge payout are much slimmer.. Not that he’s looking for a payout. Bills on the other hand should be easy to recoup.

I wasn’t alive to watch racing 50 years ago, so... news to me.

Simple.. race cars on the same Monte Carlo rally these days aren’t road legal, along with 99% of racing on any track that isn’t SCCA or amateur racing. 

Ahh, I stand corrected. Weird that these Monte Carlo race cars were road legal drivers.

Sound like you’re being cheeky, but these were race numbers for road races. Perhaps my favorite example:

Chicago resident? Its so weird that everyone accepts this practice out there, you’d get murdered doing this in LA.

No plate > vinyl plate


Its just a filter

I think you completely misread my post. Nowhere am I making the argument: “Jeeps are awesome on roads”. Nothing remotely close.

Not bad..

ok, really just 150lbs, but still..


Very good point, however farmers have tractors for any PTO use. The SxS is usually just to get around the farm and hauling gear for maintenance, animal care, etc.. I dont see SxS’s with PTO in use very often, if ever out here in the midwest.

Im specifically talking about farm/work use. I get the difference (sort of) for fun: smaller, more agile, greater power to weight. It does have way less clearance though.. Yeah, I’d still rather have a Wrangler to drive on public roads. I couldn’t justify $20-30k for something that cant drive on a road. 

For the price, I’ve never understood why you wouldn’t just buy a base Jeep ($30k). I live in Iowa, where farmers use side-by-sides for work.. I’d rather have a Wrangler for close to the same money. Need a bed? Rip out the back seat of the Jeep and you’ll get similar space for hauling gear.. or corn.. or whatever they

Back in 2000 when I was a 20-something, I did a full send of a Daiwoo Lanos rental car, got around 12-14" of air. Lost a hubcap and the right speaker blew out while cranking up Kenny Loggins’ “Danger Zone” to 11. I have a fantastic photo taken on our 3rd and final run, I’ll have dig around to find it.

I had the same argument with the manual transmission. All the paddle-loving folks go on about how the DCT is faster, but its just about the experience for me. Honestly, I’ll take 3 pedals or just 1 please.