
Right. Make sure and get the tire rotation done by your trusted pro ahead of time, because: holy shit, its complicated. File this under things you get done when you have the god damned time. If anything, chastise him for not doing it himself with his roadside jack and a 6 pack in his hotel parking lot because the real

You bought a way cooler car than I at 16.. must have.

The icing on the tone deaf article is the geezer checking out what looks like a Bentley as if its a real world possibility.

Additionally, Jeep has fitted a feature called Max Regen to the Wrangler 4XE to extend its range. This can top-up the battery charge when the driver is coasting.

Cool event, wish I was closer. Great photos! Looks like a lot of thought and time was put into this, hope there’s another one next year (and maybe something similar in the mid-west so I can attend).

Did someone really revive/ripoff the 90's “No Fear” brand with a new, slightly reworded name?

Toyota using other EV manufacturer’s tech isn’t anything new, the 2nd gen Rav4 Electric was basically a Tesla.

No idea. I’ve been reading out of curiosity about how the global oil trade works, and how little control we have over gas prices, as a country.. This left me with the question: what happens to all the oil we produce in the US, and why doesn’t that effect overall oil/gas prices domestically?

If I’m reading the correctly, we export more oil than we import:

Before anyone jumps in to blame gas prices on any president (past or present) I’m just going to leave this here:

Needs more AMG bagdes

It was tragic but also fascinating to learn the other day that Ralph Nader’s grandniece died in the Ethiopia Boing 737 Max crash. Nader pressed for investigations for Boeing as vigorously as he did in his heyday.

Its just one more that you’ll only use at 80mph highways twice a year. Think of it as an overdrive.

someone beat you to it

In a long term sense, sure. Another argument would be that by the time we would yield hypothetically lower prices from new drilling (lets just say 10 years) the industry would have moved away from oil enough to make it moot anyways. EVs are here, the demand for oil is going down every year.

Even if drilling more

These prices are churning out a whole new generation of cyclists. Thank you?

And at the other end of the spectrum you’ll notice a huge performance increase with EVs in more sedate segments. EVs bring a surge of torque that makes any daily commute more fun. The low center of gravity and road hugging weight is actually appreciated if you compare it to anything short of a 911.

Do this article

Look, its not quick throughout the power band, but you can destroy most cars that aren’t a 911 from 0-45mph. Did you ever floor the Bolt on your test drive? Its legit quick, full stop, in most car’s practical range of power. 

You win

Thats actually pretty sweet.. if your Bolt doesn’t catch fire before the replacement arrives that is.