
Its not cheese.

Words, they’re using words and rhetoric to prevent people from getting vaxx’d.

This inspired me to start a TikTok challenge of punching Samuel Grubbs in the dick.


If the car couldn’t be parked in the garage what makes you think its a good idea to put the battery in your house? There is no repairing this battery, as far as I’ve read. There’s a problem with within the battery cells.. all of them.

Anything that isn’t stock on a truck, bonus points for diesel.

You’re missing the point entirely.

A vehicle thats named after something thats constantly trying kill you by pulling you out to sea, slowly wearing you out until you die. Love it.

Ahh.. it looks like a different font for some reason. Why enlarge? I remade it in 30 sec’s, this looks better.

I agree, but no one thinks its a Lexus.

Thats stupid, the A isn’t from the logo. I get the point, but whoever made this picture is a moron.

With a pad of any kind, it keeps the bikes from sliding around. It wont do any damage, and its more stable than it sounds - they dont budge.

Chicago: that looks smooth AF

Even if you have a full sized truck, you haul bikes with the front wheels over the tailgate. Its the most sturdy way and you dont need racks, just a blanket (or if you want to get fancy, a pad).

Remember, its 2 million AFTER drunkenly boasting to others after a fist fight. Its more like $750k.

Sure, but once again... Is it so hard to separate the CEO from the company. I can, Elon is a douche, and owners are a special breed. That said, the company is worth getting behind.

i3 was great to drive. A little floaty around corners, great in the snow, very very quick. Eats tires like you wouldn’t believe. I sold it after less than a year because my kids were griping about the suicide doors and the 82 mile range was killing me (I made the mistake of taking it out of town). Someone offered me

I’m all over the map. Its difficult to have fun, be functional, and not kill the planet while hauling children across creation with bikes, camping gear, and friends.

Over the last 36 month I’ve owned:

Why so many free market loving Americans” rally against a US company, I will never know. Elon is an asshole, but his company takes so much shit from people who would love to see them go bankrupt. I just dont get it.

Holy shit, are you the only one working today??