
Actually, yes.

Friends dont let friends buy PT Cruisers.

Because buying beer isn’t a constitutionally protected right, but voting is. Go back to civics class.

Buying beer isn’t a constitutionally protected right, dipshit.

Translation: Stop making me feel. I hate the feels.

You’re misusing holy grail. We all know what you mean at this point, but its reserved for things people actually search for, and desire.

Yes, but also, there’s no data that suggests voter fraud is anything but statistically inconsequential.

Name one other constitutionally guaranteed thing that requires an ID. One.

Anytime the owner gets rid of the steering wheel airbag, its automatically CP.

He’s awaiting trial, which means he hasn’t been convicted or sentenced. Hopefully his sentence will be far more than house arrest.

This is the most comprehensive answer to a 1/2 sarcastic question I’ve ever received. You’re right, probably a terrible idea. I’m more of a magnet tray guy anyways. I’d still find a way to flip the damned thing upside down no matter what its made of, so for uncoordinated folks like me, magnets are the only answer.

Dont forget, the Bolt is currently the Opel Ampera-E. I’m sure GM would have made a Saab version in markets if they were still alive.

Yes, the Saabaru ;)

Unless its a hearse..

Came here to say this. Magnet trays work fine, and are super cheap. They work so well, you can be... inverted.

Wouldn’t a silicone backing dish for $10 do the same thing?

Meet the next gen Tesla wheel! And... we’ve come full circle

I wish the Horizon series felt more sim like.. Its a damned shame. It just feels like I’m playing Cruising USA ‘94 edition.

The best design is when form follows function. This is the opposite.

Maybe dont drive over people. I dont care how inconvenienced I was... wouldn’t be able to sleep another night with a death on my hands. Cars have reverse gears too.