
Now I need a pic.

Maybe pink softens rough edges on a guy like that, but I’m all soft so it would just be overkill. Hot pink on the other hand is squarely in the “rad” category and should be implemented on as much sporting gear as possible. Nicely done.

You have summed up my life’s mantra, but dammit, I cant bring myself to ever wear a pink shirt. No problem with anyone else rocking it, just personal preference. 

Sweet, I got “E” right I think. Beetle, right? It was the only one that jumped out at me.

Great news! Every Mini since the R53 has been hot garbage, sure would like to buy one so long as they fix the giant scared goldfish gaw.

There’s a fantastic, well balanced deep dive into the history of the USPS and why it has to prefund pensions on the Podcast The Daily by New York Times’ Michael Barbaro (if you can get past his over-polished voice).

“I’ve done a lot of illegal things (blue lives matter flags in abundance) but I never thought I’d have to face consequences.

Im still amazed anyone made a RWD, body on frame, carbon fiber EV.

BTW, carpet cleaner gets the seat backs nice and clean with a good scrubbing. Whoever made them anything but black vinyl need a swift kick in the ass.

With the US/Europe/China banning ICE vehicles very soon, I dont doubt the predictions. This time the peak oil acknowledgement seems real.

I guess it depends on how old the kids are. Mine are 6/8 and they constantly complain about not being able to open them or windows. Also, I have to unbuckle my seat belt plus open my door during car line drop off at school, which is a pain. Its much easier when the kids are older to just let them open their own doors.

The traction nannies turn on before any fun happens.

For the same money (or just a tad more) you can have a Bolt which gives way more usable range (238mi). ‘17 Bolts are ~$12k for LT and 35k miles.

No Bolt recommendations? I’ve owned Volt/Bolt/i3, and let me tell you, the Bolt is the fastest. If you floor it going 35mph you can still chirp the tires. Bolt has way more options and can be had under $15k easily. i3 was RWD, but traction nannies cant be turned off and you cant go sideways no matter how hard you try.

Turn in your Jalop card for allowing a front plate on a Ferrari.

Because oil companies are already acknowledging it.

Its only a matter of time..

I came here ready to vent, but you nailed my exact sentiment.

If Republicans were on board or “played along” as you say (like most of the Rep Govs) there would be zero delay, period. Public opinion is easily on the side of passing legislation across the board. Republicans are cutting off their nose to spite their face. It makes no sense.

The senate parliamentarian ruled that sequestration (the means of passing the $1.9 trillion covid bill) cant be used to add the $15 min wage. Its not really up to Dems, its just off the table. If they used traditional voting methods, they wouldn’t have the 60 votes needed (50-50 tie w/ Harris +1).

same here, they drive personal vehicles.