
That MPG is pretty crappy, which is exactly why I sold my 3 row Hyundai Veracruz, which I loved (14-16mpg in winter). We went the opposite route full hog EV/PHEV and I’m tired of squeezing 2 kids + camping gear + bikes in/on a Chevy Volt. We’re keeping the BMW i3, its too much fun.

I would get the manual either way. If thats the only Achille’s heal, sounds pretty low risk.

The fact that you’re saying to make sure it has a warranty isn’t confidence inspiring. I keep cars a long time.. Are you saying sell before the warranty runs out or just to start with a warranty in case I get a lemon, in which case it’ll be sorted by the end of the warranty?

Any major trouble areas? I’m used to German cars, but I also know there are some years to avoid altogether. Some BMWs are maintenance nightmares and others (like E46) are very manageable.

My question is, which is the Alltrack? Is a clutch going to cost $1500 and am I going to be plagued with more catastrophic issues

Why not both (AWD & power)?

As a person who really wants to buy a used Alltrack, why are they so cheap and what am I missing?

Let me know if you see a 2003 Indie Blue Mini Cooper driving around Honolulu, I left one there in ‘09 during the last recession. We kept the dog.

I appreciate your articles and love your wrenching mentality, but damn, I’d hate to live next door to you. You are the reason we have laws like this. If this was cats instead of Jeeps, someone would have called the authorities long ago.

It doens’t look like an electric car, which is a great thing. As an early EV adopter, I’m tired of everything screaming “look at me, I’m green!!”.

Nothing screams Danger Ranger like removing the only airbag and tinting the FRONT windshield.

I guarantee every single one of these sweet-tea sippin’ yee-haws still watches, because... lets be honest: They have nothing else.

window regulators and locks are classic BMW issues of this vintage, same on my Mini

Coopers always had oil pan, rear crank, and crank position sensor *seeps* but not leaks. There bottom of the pan was always wet, but never a drop on the driveway. Always had to check oil level every 2-3 fill ups.

I can deal with that, but really dont want my driveway looking like David Tracy has been over for dinner.

Sounds like its similar to R53 Mini Coopers, which I’ve owned 6. The engines were bullet proof, but there were always little annoyances like window regulators and anything rubber (bushings, motor mounts, hoses) needed attention every 36 months. Only one had coolant leaks, it was the oldest -‘04- with the fewest miles.

I’ve wanted this vintage BMW for years. What are the common problem areas for this specific car?

I used my lift-glass on my ‘06 Tucson all the time. Great for getting groceries out without having them all fall out on you, or any large, loose load for that matter. I was able to fit furniture that wouldn’t have otherwise (with the security of having the main door closed to keep said furniture in place). When

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John Oliver talking about the history of police, and reform. Good watch.

“But you also don’t have to convince me that culture needs a reform to make it a lot less of “us vs them” and that goes for citizens v police, black v white, dem v rep, etc.”

Nope. Its what you hang up when you want to say “I hate blacks/Jews” but really dont want to go full Nazi and hang up a Swastika. Its a symbol of hate.

If that 75 year old man had been a 30 year old KKK member, do you have an issue with what the cop did?