
I hear you, but I just pretend I’m still in the store when I’m in my car. I dont touch my face/phone until I wash my hands in my house. Beats the whole glove routine, which I also did as well for a week. I got tired of detailing my car, so this seemed to be the best/laziest answer.

If basic soap is more effective than sanitizers/disinfectants for hands, why not also for cars? Regular dish soap is mild and kills viruses in 20 seconds, yet should be fine for leather dyes, plastics, etc. I’m not thrilled with using anything besides Meguiar’s, but its only for a few months. Dont regular interior

You cant. Just stay home and do your fucking part.

Can we do Cash for Harleys? Its spring, and all the assholes are coming out of hibernation.

DCT ≠ slushbox

worst manual > best slush box

Ahhhh, you’re a sly one. Im more of a Liquid Wrench guy myself, but I’ve been known to PB Blast from time to time.

I’m switched to EVs in the recent years, my days of busting my knuckles to change out a belt are behind me, for the time being.

Get some sleep and take your vitamins!

Soooooo I wasn’t taking about the author, I was talking about myself, and my fellow Jalops who are mostly in the US. I suppose you could apply any border you wish, and the same argument applies. Frankly, it befuddles my baffles to wonder why you needed a geographical distinction. 

Agreed! Seems like quarantining yourself in your garage might be the best thing for the US’s health and your mental health. As long as you have parts shipped, then spray the boxes with Lysol I dont see the problem.

I own 2 kids + i3. Can confirm, its tricky to get kids out, and I miss having them open their own doors. It is much easier to get them in however, couples with loads of space in a small package. I do wish the load floor (backseat) was lower, its almost as high as an SUV, due to the carbon frame. The back of the seats

Um, gross.

I always thought my ‘89 B2200 was a rebadged Ford, but maybe that was only the later models like you said. Learned something new.

It would take me all weekend to swap brakes and rotors.. 

Hiding from Señor Corona? Me too..

By what, a week? :)

$1000 isnt a huge amount of money on the hood, but I see you’re point. Still, its no Gladiator. To be honest, I think all automakers are going to give some pretty steep discounts on all products just to spur sales.

Yeah, Ford really has nowhere to go at this point but up.. Although I might still wait till the US gets closer to peak virus. I’m getting nautious from my APT (medical mask maker) roller coaster.

Agreed, but you may be Proceeding to the local mechanic for a head gasket in the near future, so put some money aside. If I understand this correctly, this is basically a B2200, which is a Danger-Ranger.