Abbie Doobie

He could have brought up the grade with a Barry Gibb Talk Show.

And this coming from someone who also saw Leonard Pt. 6 in the theater.

I'm with Dowd. Batman & Robin. What a piece of shit.

What does "play us out" even mean?

I'll stick with freestyle Bane.

And you thought they wouldn't notice how Jost and Che are fawned over every time there is a write-up of the show.

Feel free to still like Kurtwood Smith.

If Wisconsin residents weren't so stupid as to realize that the Packers only win Super Bowls when a democrat is president, then the election would have gone differently.

Before the condensed milk is even added, sugar is added to the tea and heated to dissolve it. I dont know how traditional the recipe I used is, but I found it on some Thai girl's Youtube channel and it tasted pretty legit. I'd drink it every day if it wasnt so goddamned bad for you.

Tea is probably different but Thai ice tea is made with a ton of sugar so it's much sweeter.

That picture makes me wonder whatever became of The Bi-curious Case of Benjamin Buttfucker? One of the all time classic commenter names.

Die Hard 2………Mr. Falcon.

"Fuck Off, I'm reading the Onion!"

No flipping.

Abbie Doobie?

All you can eat soup, salad, and breadsticks or gtfo.

Sinatra and Natalie Cole is by far the worst "duet", not the one with Bono.

I have a crazy friend who says it's wrong to eat turkey. Is he crazy?

And was re-shot at the Dollhouse in Ft. Lauterdale.