
she’s a freelancer, they’re a charismatic lot. She might believe in something maybe even have what some might consider a moral compass but staying comfortable tends to trump all that shit and uhh, everybody has the right to a lawyer, yeah, that’s the ticket.

but he let that go on though... good enough dude I guess. I do like watching his re runs though or did anyway.

When my Mother told my Grandma what my full name was her response was: “My Lord, what have you done to that boy?” my cousins love to remind me of this as they were all present and aware when she said it. Me being the youngest of all the grands they also like to tell me that my Father’s call to announce my birth

Damn. props.

sheeeiiittt. Not only will I hold your earrings, I’ll apply the vaseline so long as you tag me in to break at least a piece of my foot off!

I forgot to add lol. well played btw. Mr. Finger.

Even in his sky that’s not at all yours?!?

I love the discussions where nobody wins and everyone looks worse for wear at the end, they feel so... lifelike.

I don’t want to be stuck in my barney.

Mostly it’s a shit show.

My God Brother had two RRs when I was growing up. Constantly in the shop. The second came from the factory brand new with issues and the dealer wouldn’t replace it... they sent it away for months while providing a loner, when it came back, things only got worse. The loner also had tantrums from time to time...


You sound like someone who would give a kid everything they WANT.