
Hillary Clinton:

Clinton Campaign “We want to have a debate in New Hampshire, where it could only harm you, but we don’t want to have a debate in New York where it could harm me.”

The weekend debates are super lame Hil. Why not have them in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle while the Superbowl is going on? Fucking have at it.

ACTUALLY it’s more like Bernie’s backyard, as he grew up there. She’s part of the gentrification wave ;)

If you don’t want a debate in New York because you don’t think you’ll do well... Isn’t there a bigger issue at hand?

Bernie Sanders has some annoying sexist fans.

Therein lies the problem. Why exactly is it that you think he has a 1/100 chance? That’s completely absurd. Every factor says otherwise. His higher electability versus Clinton. Record crowds, record donations. Wide range of supporters with grassroots organizations giving him their endorsement and support. Literally

Clinton was leading Obama by 20 points in polls the day he won the Iowa Primary. Anything can happen

I love all the early politicking surrounding the primary states. I fully believe that the states that are first are way too homogenous to play such an important role in the presidential process, but I also love all the drama. I love that Hill-dog just can’t get certain states behind her. I love that no-chance

Listen, I agree that nuclear should absolutely be the way forward. But at least Bernie 1) believes in climate change and 2) believes we should do something drastic about it. If he surrounds himself with advisers worth their salt, someone can hopefully persuade him to include nuclear in the plan. I’m not convinced that

“I really agree with a lot of Bernie’s policies, and I identify as a Liberal.

Something makes me think you’re not poor...

Like many of Sanders’ proposals, I think the realistic hope is that the “middle” will move closer to the actual middle if the “left’s” position is defined by Sanders. And that people will listen to him and pressure their Representatives to take meaningful action.

Dear America - you need Bernie. He’s not the hero you deserve, but he is the one you need.