
“Practice your attitude” = “Women and black people should remember how to speak when talking to their betters.”

Thanks, Obama. No. Seriously.

I could stitch that in an afternoon, but I have no idea what I would do with it after...

My cat does this. Except he never spills the drink. #catsnotkids :o

My cat is also really into straws.

Just don’t buy a real skull unless you’re sure you’ve accurately gauged your spooky adult’s spookiness and any applicable state laws.

celebrating whiteness

...and this, ladies and gentlemen, is why unions were invented.

This is so terribly sad to me. I’m not sure if I am just in a particularly morose mood, but I just can’t with this.

I want to see their 24 hour beauty diary. That lipstick!

Vanillaroma or GTFO.

It depends whether you are a Manhattan Person or a Brooklyn Person.

This is ridiculous. You can’t treat parents this way. They have the right to know what is happening at their child’s school and to bring up their concerns. The school I work at does have problems but we make sure to treat our parents well and address their concerns as best we can. There are some parents’ demands that

Once again Mark Shrayber pandering to the bleating hearts.


why i gotta be all wet AFTER morning sex this morning and then gotta go to work all sloshy. c’mon, girl.

I feel like if she could just rephrase it to something like, Guys who skip foreplay are lazy, she’d really be hitting the nail on the head.