
If you had to choose, which would you rather put time into: the beginning of the game, which will hopefully ease players into your world and make them interested enough to continue playing and see all the cool stuff you have in store for them? Or the ending?

I feel like I have no right to be outraged that best buy cancelled my pre order at best buy because I also got one at gamestop but I just wanted to get my friend one too because it was the only reason he was going to get a 3ds I need a bro for monster hunter

but those 3d non battle models have always been ugly

*I am Groot!

Thanks to your comment I looked Pendulum up now I've got to got to work depressed

The main reason majora's mask is coming to ads is because ocarina of time was already made on ads and like the original 2 games the ads versions will share the same engine

It's a wonderful world was supposed to be the English name but legal issues caused the name change

I'm with you on that we both earned this demo dang it

email is ABaldwin303@gmail.com i would love you forever

email is ABaldwin303@gmail.com I will risk so much spam for a code

Please I earned platinum but didn't check for emails so now i can't get it

The things I would do for a code sicken me

We on the same sad boat

I actually am platinum but didn't check for email notifications how do you think i feel

I actually am platinum but didn't check for email notifications how do you think i feel

I actually am platinum but didn't check for email notifications how do you think i feel