a baffle of scientists

There’s no way that the Lynyrd Skynrd Pre-College Academy of STEMcore Excellence isn’t a scam charter school, but at least their football team plays with a lot of heart. #GoTuggies

Because god damn kinja is why. I hate kinja so damn much that I’ve given up on AV Club except for this show’s reviews. And it sucks because I used to love reading the site. It’s just too disjointed and unorganized now. New content is unnecessarily difficult to find, the overall design is an eyesore, and the commenting

“The performing arts can be therapeutic for someone like you, Chidi! Penis puppetry and your anxieties make an especially good fit.”

The tears welling in Michael’s!

If you think about it, loneliness is the first real human emotion we see from Eleanor, too. Everything else we saw from her time on earth was through a ton of load-bearing sarcasm and a protective barrier of emotional distance. That breakdown in the Bed, Bath, & Beyond made me cry, especially because she was utterly


Evolution is basically the universe’s house flipper. Let the load-bearing walls you knocked out to turn that lovely Craftsman bungalow into a nightmare suburban granite-countered “luxuryusly updated open floor plan charmer w/many windows...very Bright and Airy!!!!” money pit be the buyer’s problem. Let the brain

He heard “vèlociraptor” and yes. Kinda. At least as much as it’s there in english.

Tahani and Eleanor definitely died the same year as Tahani’s cover of International Sophisticate is current to whatever month Eleanor died (judging by the way she and the environmentalist guy are dressed and the fact it’s Phoenix, I’m guessing dead of winter) because it’s not memorializing her. I’m sure it would have

I think Jason’s death was the most likely of all their deaths.

No, you’re not imagining anything. Boston Cream Pie, Your Hallowed Halls, and Oysters are the titles of the next three Outlander novels, which was announced this morning. I guess the production knew ahead of time and dropped those in there as an Easter egg for book fans. Clever!

Victimless until you take into account its production and trade. Cocaine was basically the almond milk of the eighties.

He’s just pre-intelligence.

She tried to break up Jason’s dance crew, sold illegal exotic pets, and she had a pierced jaw.

I mean, she’s playing a physical manifestation of Google, only reliably accurate in its search results. How layered can a search engine be? Given that, D’Arcy deserves aaaaaaall the little gold statues for making a glorified Echo so funny and interesting.

Oh, boy. If you think restaurant workers—including servers—have never had to clean up piss, shit, jizz, or blood, then you’ve never had a job in the industry.

Oh, jeez. Texas. There's just no excuse for not knowing how to eat a tamale in spitting distance of the border.

No. They still do it. I've seen it with my own eyes. :(

What is it that YOU want? For a mentally ill man to be starved and isolated and perhaps occasionally physically and sexually brutalized until he's finally slaughtered by the state? A process which, by the way, is far more expensive than what Norway does (since you're so concerned about taxes).

No. I absolutely do not think he, or anyone else, deserves to die. What greater good does it serve to have state-sanctioned murder as part of the criminal justice system? It slakes the bloodlust of a few narrow-minded people, but at a great cost.