
Do you really think racism is what motivated the criticism of that role’s casting? Because it wasn’t....

Wow, this is awful, & it’s a feather in the cap for anyone who’s been against mandatory automatic updates.

She brought it to the manager’s attention and the racist employee was terminated.

This would be like Fox trying to change the nature of their contract with George Lucas after it turned out that Star Wars merchandise was way, way more profitable than they thought.

Because we need to get rid of tipping as a practice. We should adopt the European model, where restaurant workers get paid a normal minimum/living wage, and tips are for when they go above and beyond, not expected.

I know this is an awful point of view to have because it kills competition, but I just don't trust that any of these will still be around in a few years. I know if I ever need to find an old email, unless there's a nuclear Holocaust, it's probably safe in my Gmail account until the day I die.

Forktrucks are not the machine for the job...

This fucker better have Alundra, Xenogears and Castlevania Symphony of the Night on it!

Such a terrible representation of gaming.

You know that didn’t exist at the time, right? I guess he could have/should have just landline phoned.

Everyone, just do the world a favor and don’t make public marriage proposals anymore.

It’s not even close to being the best Marvel movie of the year. IW was in a different class, and saying otherwise is straight up ignorant

I mean I get the significance of the movie, and it wasn’t bad, but is it even a top 10 marvel film? And people want it to win best picture? Seriously????

They are being paid to be offended. It is manufactured outrage. Sane people don’t give a shit about this.

Yet another “why is this even an article on Kotaku?” moment.

I don’t post notes like this in Soulsborne games, nor do I find them funny... however, getting tilted enough to make a 2 page dissertation on the matter is fucking ludicrous. Go outside. Lighten up. Do literally anything else with your life.

Kind of... It’s still there, but there is so much to do in the actual open-world that time jumps become few and far between, and don't last long when you do get to the modern world. I will admit the abstergo story-line has pretty much run it’s course, and it’s becoming more and more pointless with each entry. Ubisoft