
They’re simply price matching Targets deal for today. Welcome to black friday week.

They’re simply price matching Targets deal for today. Welcome to black friday week.

That’s the biggest thing I’m worried about with this game. An overstuffed, convoluted, long slog with an overly complicated plot.

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Jetsons is the only answer. For those who won’t click a link...

Actually, I said that. Not Matt. And I don’t give two shits about marginalizing or disenfranchising the fucking idiots who voted for Trump. Fuck them straight to hell and fuck their bullshit concerns. They were duped by a hatemonger into thinking that a country with 4.9% unemployment — the envy of the Western world,

Fuck whoever filmed this.

Not to mention physics be damned. It looks like the tiny spore just grabbed this admittedly stupid but comparatively huge biologist.

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Time to start downloading and hoarding porn. When the time comes and the seemingly unlimited vast wells of free pornography streams dry, it will be the porn hoarders who will reign with power!!! ABSOLUTE POWER!!!

I’m with you I wanted to want this but man was it stale. The environments were so bland and the battles were annoying and boring.

A Morgan Freeman-narrated Planet Earth would be the shit, though.

great whites have been around for millions of years longer than humans, he’ll be okay

Seinfeld is shit. You can have it.

Gilbert Gottfried.

This is the correct answer to the problem. My property does not get to determine whether I live or die, not for orphans, not for priests, not for the president.

How are replaceable batteries a cash grab?

What in the world are you talking about??? Replaceable batteries are in no way a cash grab — when the battery goes on my two-year-old phone, I can buy a new $12 battery instead of a new $700 phone.

What planet do you live on? User serviceable parts are a big cash grab?

Every single one of these cowards knew EXACTLY what Trump was when they endorsed him.

But they were all of them deceived, for another card was made....