
I used to really enjoy long games but now a days some games just go on for TOO long. It’s the reason why I’m so hesitant to start Red Dead 2 or The Witcher 3. I mean just I finished Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart and even on that I was egging the game on to get over with and it’s not even that long. But I understand it’s

This is some 4D free publicity that these streamers are pulling off. Do something light to get you banned and then all of a sudden the internet is writing about you being banned. It’s genius.

It’s obvious they’re just variants.

This is why I always wait for months or years to play a game. Discounted and all(most) bugs fixed. For example, it’s been 7 years but it’s about time I play the Witcher 3 but I’ll wait a bit more for that next-gen upgrades and Netflix dlc content. I’ll won’t wait the same for FF7(already played it on PS4) but by the

I would have preferred Kayako from The Grudge and her iconic guttral throat sound be the killer terror noise.

The chase sequence was great but the city and the exploration was kinda meh. It’s been done better. But then again this was just a tech demo of sorts so I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt should it ever become a real game. It’s just reading the plaques around the city, they seem to boast about things that again,

I just REALLY WISH Sony would release A Dualsense Back button attachment. It’s so freaking dumb that they’d released one for the Dualshock near the end of its life and not release one at all for the Dualsense. I just don’t freaking get it...

I mean, it still can’t compete with Xbox Games Pass considering that it works on PC too. Sony should really have a PC presence if they want to compete at all.

Not gonna lie, I’ve done some pretty stupid Craigslist deals back in my early 20s that looking back on now, I’d probably smack the shit out of younger self for ever going to. One of those times was selling a jailbroken fat PS3 to some guy that lived out in semi-nowhere and going into his house to test it. The dude was

You as the owner make some crappy game like this, you then secretly hire out thieves or whoever to steal credit card info and pay through the game, you as the owner then cash out the money. That’s what I mean.

I figure games like this are easy money laundry schemes no? Steal a bunch of credit cards and pay them through these games, cash out before the banks or anyone notices. I don’t know I’m not an expert.

Bioware is pretty much dead to me, Blizzard and Rockstar both face the same fate tbh. I can’t believe this sentence even exists in a non-ironic manner.

I mean it’s ridiculous to think of now but if history had gone another path, it may have resulted in it being the better decision. Just imagine if this had been Sega instead that laughed them out of the room.

Loud and clear Mart, LOUD and C L E A R!

It honestly feels like they ran everything through some sort of AI and then released it. There’s no way humans were involved in any of this. This just screams pure cash grab of the highest caliber. 

Did you show up late? You pretty much have to be there on the dot. I got mine from Direct, I showed up on time and only had to wait about 10 minutes.

The only thing I’m bummed about with Andromeda is that we’ll never get to know what happened to the Quarian ship.

What kind of stupid comment is this? This is like watching a Gran Turismo video and saying “This looks like a rehash of everything Polyphony Digital has done, New kind of game when?” What were you expecting exactly? 

They should have made the characters into anime waifus and did a complete gacha system with skins and cards. That’s where gaming is heading these days.

Its wild how crazy kids are with this game. My nephews 12 and 9 are barely interested in the 600+ games I have in my collection across Steam/PSN/Origin/E-shop etc. except for a select few. I remember one time they came over and were playing Roblox on their tablets and they saw me playing Nioh and asked what this game