
I’m sorry but this looks like the most hilarious cash grab ever.

I’m just waiting for the YouTube video titled “I Just Bought A 912lb Box of Playstations! Let’s See If I can Fix them!”

I’ll wait a year or two after many many patches and the game is $15 on sale.

I’ll wait a year or two after many many patches and the game is $15 on sale.

I was hoping RE7 would have something like this if you looked into the rearview mirror while still in the car at the start of the game. It would have been funny if it gave you the option to leave the area and forget about Mia.

I won’t argue whether or not owning land is immoral, because everyone seems to get so riled up at the mere mention of a Marxist analysis on the subject. But it should be easily agreed upon that accumulating rental profit from the wages of people likely making far, far less than you is at best a tad questionable. When

They really need to make this a free PS+ Game at the very least. Also, they need to work on a PC version. This game is just completely hampered on consoles. Although it seems it has gotten quite the power boost from the PS5, PC just feels more at home for this kind of game.

P.T. should return as something in the vein of Phasmaphobia.

Are they having a fire sale on a decade’s worth of player base goodwill? Not even Blizzard is this eager to dump their stock of reputation this quick.

Hey Charles Manson got married in jail to a 26 year old. The Boston Bomber got a group raging fan girls who deny his guilt. What’s new? Some women love crazy men.

What they should not have done was reveal the game all the way back in 2012. I mean they could have told us about it but not reveal any other info until they were truly ready. It’s probably why it’s for the best Bethesda still hasn’t released any substantial info on Starfield yet.

This never should have been a PS4/Xbox One X game at all. From the looks of it, it should have always been a PS5/SE:X game only. This is why I’m just hoping and praying that FF7:RE Part 2 is for PS5 and beyond, seriously fuck the last gen. 

It’s just a throwback to the PS1 when we eventually had to turn it upside down to work.

I wonder if they’re ditching Andromeda. It wasn’t that great of a game but I was still interested in seeing what was happening with the Quarian ship.

1050Ti? Well there’s your problem. 3080 at least or go home.

I don’t blame the driver, who the hell doesn’t have guards or proper signage to prevent access? I can’t even fathom how this would happen. I’d be suing the people in charge instead of the driver. 

I wouldn’t be mad if it turns out the lore that connects all the Bloodborne/Souls games is a giant omnipotent duck god.

Comparing Flat-Earthers and anti-vaxxers to children doesn’t work. Children are ignorant, they have no pre-conceieved notions of how the world works. They’re a blank canvas and when taught a subject properly, they’ll understand it and accept it. If I teach my nephew that fire is hot and bring his finger towards a

Because a game like God of War 2 is primed to be the one game that can heavily show case what a next-gen system can truly do. If it’s held back by old hardware, then it’s just a waste of time. It also costs more money to have to optimize for old hardware, not just the PS4 Pro but the base model which is just crap.

I disagree, God of War 2 will sell millions but it won’t sell millions just right off the bat. Pushing God of War 2 on PS5 will only help sell the console (not that it needs help). People will buy it eventually, releasing it on the PS4 with very marked downgrades, is just a pure waste of time and resources.

At this point, I’m not sure these are even bugs anymore.