
Wouldn’t a shot bang be a flash bang fired from a launcher? Or are they always fired from launchers?

Sure. And the people who purposefully choose not to vaccinate their kids are putting the people who have a legit reason (money/health complications/etc) and cannot be vaccinated at risk. It’s a public health issue and a moral issue. Oh yeah and it’s common fucking sense backed by science.
That goes for the nutjobs who

They said no punitive damage. I assume that meant no punishment. I addressed the two schools separate but same issue in my post. You’re just paraphrasing me.

I don’t give a shit. Fucking moron.

Yes, but it has recently turned into a fad. Which is why we have seen in uptick in vaccinated diseases. They can have all the bodily autonomy they want. Outside of my child’s public school.

Not a bad bunch of pages today. Anyone got today’s Life In Aggro reference?

This is my favorite theory so far. It’s not like she denied it.

Why would you add a ‘nigga’ that’s fucking dumb. Also dumb was when Kendrick Lamar set up his own fan so he could take her down in front of the world. Fucking sick.

Yeah bastards. I still love my Iphone though and will probably never change from using them. I also have Amazon Prime. I’m a bad man. :(

Well fuck. This is why I ask on here, the details have varied wildly between articles. At least enough that I had to ask the damn question in the first place. Thanks though, good detectivin’.

What a STEAL! I’ve always wanted an ill fitting hat of my own. I thought it would be a fishin’ hat but nope.

I like how they use the word punitive so it’s sounds more lawyery and less like “we aint doin’ shit because we don’t mind have nazis at our school!”. One of these fuckers come to school with RIP written anywhere and they’re out the door though.
Yeah I know it’s not the same school but shit.

Oh well, I’m not saying it’s anywhere near the same situation. Just that cops always lie to get their way or change the situation to shake the trees. Like how since they are searching our car, they can now pat us down for “their safety” and if we don’t like strangers grabbing our junk (which they do to get a reaction)

I feel like they’ve had this deal for forever. Like...as a coupon, not an advertised deal.

Hasn’t it always been? I have never met a cop (in my youth at least) that didn’t straight up lie through his teeth trying to get something to charge you with. Most annoying I dealt with was getting pulled over 3 times for “speeding” and each time they’d “smell” pot in my car so they’d search it. Then they’d find

If their dick doesn’t work it’s probably something unless. Unless the doc doing the cut fucked up. Also a plus is no dickcheese.

I have misunderstood this whole thing. I thought he meant he never had Coffee and a Bagel at the same time. It’s insane to have never tried a bagel.

There’s something inherently wrong with anti-vaxers. They are hurting kids. Also they are a (relatively) new fad and not a whole race of people. So..comparing the two does seem pretty disingenuous. And racist.

Haha, love it.

Look I am sure they get the finest in underpaid child workers to hand stitch each one. Or run the dangerous machinery that does, whatever. AMERICA!