
Haha, love it.

Look I am sure they get the finest in underpaid child workers to hand stitch each one. Or run the dangerous machinery that does, whatever. AMERICA!

Sociopaths tend to rise to power. 

Do online computer games include mobile games?

There are zero foreskin removal survival groups. Because our dicks still work fine.

Are the hats really 55 fucking dollars? 

The point is that when it’s white guys doing way worse shit(gun, actual crime, violence, fighting back, walking towards cops) they seem to have no trouble taking them in without killing them. Takes them a couple seconds to decide black man/kid with a (gun/cellphone/fucking nothing) must die. The uniform thing may be

Yeahhh. I’m not having kids.
We ain’t gonna do shit till it’s too late and then we’ll get desperate and fuck it up worse. That’s what we do!

I know this is months late but the MIB didn’t shoot her in the head because he simply couldn’t aim. He’d been shot four times and had traveled many miles. He was tired. Any marksman trying to bring down a target right in front of them would shoot center mass, especially if they could barely stand.

Loved Conkers so I tried to find information about Rusty Pip. Not...much. I did get this link and Fallout is a game so close enough. Also Conkers holds up still! I went back and played on an emulator. Kinda wish they would port and release the Live and Reloaded version but with the fucking swearing uncensored.


I lost my car to civil forfeiture. I had got pulled over with 10 bucks worth of drugs on me and they impounded my car. Courts kept bullshitting and wouldn’t give it back for over 6 months.
When I finally got it back the bill for storing my car for that long was more then the cost of my car (6-8k). So basically I

Northamptonshire? That’s a mouthful.

I looked it up. He was wearing at least one of those vests with SECURITY on it and people were screaming that he’s security. Soooo...

Curious if he was wearing his fatigues when they murdered him. Would it even make a difference in their thought process? Did the security guard that got killed at that bar wear a normal security uniform or was he in street clothes? 

They need to start recording and releasing more plays in releasable quality. I don’t live anywhere near where any decent(what I wanna see at least) plays/musicals go. I’ve been wanting to see Book of Mormon for forever. Actually kind of surprised they haven’t used some of their South Park money to make a non-stage

This seems like a good and non braggy use of w-privilege to prove a point.

I’m still confused about whether or not covering your face actually does anything to alleviate your potential bounty.

Which means nothing when it comes to E-Coli. Check back in a month.

Did Gamefly murder your father or something?