violated someone's space, he muttered something sotto voce, then you went and wrote an angry screed about it? violated someone's space, he muttered something sotto voce, then you went and wrote an angry screed about it?
I have a house and, like most houses, it’s an unfinished work. There are cracks in the paint. There are piles of old…
Behind whom?
"Oh my gosh, it's Josh, my phone's either off or I'm gettin' sauced. Leave a message at the beep."
Of course I still fancy girls
Why the hell is this even news? It's 2013, for crying out loud.
"Look at me! I'm just like Apolo OH NO!"
That's exactly the problem with Chicago-style pizza, Al. Since you were holding a knife and fork, you weren't able to remove the extremely sharp object that must be lodged in your brain.
Nah, I'm in Texas... If this happened here Taylor would have been immediate shot 12 times by 12 different bystanders upon unjustly pulling his firearm on Pullum.
Oh, I dunno, because innocent people died?
you obviously never worked a union job, and so are talking out of turn. i worked a job where, the year after the company made record profits, in a 100 year old company, and the board and CEO got 25% raises, they tried to cut our pay, sick days, and do away with pensions. then they locked us out of work, even though…
You can just take a cue from Top Gear and say "Cocks"
Lately, the Washington Redskins are having a harder time defending the team's name than the rest of the NFC East had…
I go through this discussion every semester with my hate speech class. "But if THEY call themselves niggas/fags/dykes/mutts/etc., why the hell can't I?" Because context matters. Who it is who's saying the words matters. If it's somebody who the word is normally targeted against, that means, "Hey, I'm owning this so…
no biracial people i know use that term. you cited one example of a biracial person using it, determined that "many" people say it, and then decided it was OK for you to use the term to describe a group to which you do not belong. so yeah, you are awful. enjoy being you.
You are truly an idiot. Just because the president uses a term doesn't mean it is put on a list of terms that can never be deemed offensive. "Mutts is a word often used by biracial people, like the President of the United States of America." Your assumption that a) many biracial people use this term is b) no excuse or…
you are awful