ARAK the American

And if the carriage hangs out a little you have to attach a red flag to the baby.

3rd gear

I'd hit it.... with a brick

This is a bad daily for North Americans. The greatest problems this car has comes from the car being built in Australia, and the fact GM did not sell too many of them. Since it was a limited run and the parts are more difficult to come by, the prices for parts are much more expensive than say a Mustang GT.

I have been wanting to install a vigilante cam into my car. The camera would be set up to constantly record and purge video files, along with my current vehicle speed and GPS position/location. Whenever an incident occurs I would hit a button that would save and store the last 30seconds and the following 30seconds of

I can just hear all the plastic rattling

A bus pass. Because chances are, if you are looking at a Honda, you are probably one of those ****ers that goes 35 in the merge lane, and the speed limit in the left lane.

After seing these babies catch Vettes in south Florida, I knew not to mess with them. Especially knowing that the machanical bits were the same in my 04 GTO, the Camaro would win with the weight advantage

2nd Gear.

This does not compare to my plans for a LS-7 Jazzi-chair

1990's Celica All-trac with the turbo

Beat me to it

It appears we maybe going back in time when one could purchase a new Corvette from the factory without the 190hp engine

54.5 MPG? Exuse me sir, please listen to the engineer and not the hippie liberal arts major in the EPA.

Well, my old car.

"how much does another Enzo cost"

It is about alien robots, disguised as cars, coming to Earth to get into a tissy fit against each other. This movie pleases with occasional random slow-mos of a stripper who cannot act, however is greatly offset by Shia's stuttering that passes for acting.

Thank you.

After seeing people drive with their gascaps open on a daily basis I can ... um assume....

vaguely reminds me of this