
Ah, what the Christ

I don’t think anybody said TASERs were harmless. I just say that a pair of TASER darts is much preferable to a couple of 9mm slugs to any victim of a TASER discharge. In perspective the TASER is a breakthrough weapon for subduing violent resistors while preventing harm to LEOs. BTW, TASER is an acronym for Thomas A

I would say that anytime someone is running from the cops the use of this device is warranted and should be preferred. If you are running from the cops you inherently become a violent criminal and a menace to society. It is the duty of the LEO to protect lives and property of innocent people who are not involved in

Hopefully they will be eager to use this non-lethal, safe method of restraining these violent criminals before they hurt innocent people or LEOs. I’m glad you mentioned the TASER, because I think the brilliance of this device is on par with that breakthrough weapon. Personally I don’t see a problem with police

This tactic is safer than every other tactic employed by LEOs. Explain to me how having a two ton anchor strapped to a fleeing vehicle will necessarily cause both vehicles to wreck. Then explain to me how the other tactics used by LEOs are safer.

What, exactly, about this device is terrifying? This is a brilliant device that will undoubtedly save lives, even the ones of the dirtbags running from the cops.

Enough rest, time to get back honda road

Am I the only one wondering how ABS figures into a crash test? ABS would not have made a difference to the occupants of that vehicle in the event of a crash similar to the test.

sick of the stupid trump bashing. i thought this was a car blog

definitely needs sarcastic font

Dead giveaway!

My $350 harbor freight trailer is one of the best things i’ve ever spent money on. I hauled more discrete items and bulk material in that trailer behind my dodge caliber than these trucks will see in their entire lifetime.

wait, i thought the ‘emergency responders’ were too busy to deal with this hoonigan. i suppose when your police force which is supposedly enforcing a ‘curfew’ is embarrassed on TV you all of a sudden find the resources to hunt him down. i’m glad they got this emergency taken care of a couple days later.

I see young people on the road with this idea all the time. Idiotic. It’s like they don’t understand they’re not in a race. It’s hilarious when they pull some stupid crap to get in front of one or two people thinking that they’re saving themselves time or something like that, only to pull up next to them at the

Unfortunately BelegUS, that’s the case. The problem is the the sheeple blindly follow orders. Critical thinking is no longer taught in the government schools so people are indoctrinated to swallow what ‘authority figures’ tell them. It looked to me like he was doing maybe 50-60mph on an empty road in a

ya, and that dog is pissed because the meth-head owner in the trailer left him out in the rain.

this heel-toe business is completely unnecessary in ordinary, everyday driving. it is only advantageous when racing. if you don’t have a split second to take your freaking right foot off the brake and put it on the accelerator to increase RPM before letting out the clutch, you are driving like an asshole.

F*ckin’ amateurs

Don’t forget the old airliners they they threw in. I assume those were “military transport”

the KKK supports a democrat?!? i’m SHOCKED, SHOCKED!