Aaron K

“AWD is better than snow tires.”
“Snow tires are a waste of money.”
“You’re better off because you have AWD.”
“I want AWD to keep my family safe in the winter.”

Bet you’re fun at parties...

right... i need eleven volunteers and a beer sponsor

Jade Helm crisis actors going door to door, vaccinating toddlers to spread autism in classrooms they were never gunned down in.

Don’t bother. The sheeple don’t want to wake up because they’re too absorbed in reality TV and celebrity culture to care because of the fluoridated water and Big Pharma’s poison, because the Illuminati are trying to block NaturalNews and David Wolfe from spreading the truth.

I can see that causing a mild panic in folks who don’t know that air pressure will hold a door shut in flight with much more force than any latch can...

The aircraft’s primary chemtrail dispenser was inoperative, and officials moved to the secondary method—coating wings in radiation-activated chemtrail materials. At altitude, radiation from the sun’s rays cause the applied liquids to become gaseous, resulting in a (slightly less-intense) chemtrail.

when you have twelve felony warrants out for your arest and a bag full of cocaine the last thing you want is to get pulled over for speeding, so much better to just walk wherever you need to go.

Only if it’s SSed to the Maxx!

See you in Vauxhalla!

“The Nissan Rogue Sport is like a Rogue but smaller, closer to the original Rogue, because the newer Rogue got bigger.”

fuck em all, get what you want.

Me — an accountant — anytime I hear how great it is that a business can just “write off” whatever it is

I think they call that a lease

Actually, most likely someone never submitted the green form environmental impact statement in triplicate for getting out of bed that morning, paid the appropriate carbon credits and evironmental pollution fees, and failed to bribe the right people the appropriate amount to gain the required permit to operate said

Charge him with a salt!

It’s a brand new class of warship. It’s going to have growing pains.

If he wanted to live your oppressive version of America, I’m sure he would have bought a house in an HOA controlled neighborhood.

Sounds like you should move to an HOA neighborhood then.

"Hi, I'm Troy McLure. You may remember from such public information films as: Manual Gearboxes - the whining noise is the fanbois"