Aaron K

Oh Blaine, you naughty mono.. He should have driven his takuro spirit.

3 months after the communist government collapsed in Poland, I was on a humanitarian trip to help rebuild churches and schools. The trip was amazing, and early on the morning we needed to leave, we summoned a cab to get us to the Warsaw airport from our hotel. It will remain one of my best memories of Poland, and

I have the same dream, but I prefer the XJS convertible styling. Yank out the V12, put in one of those new aluminum truck 5.3's, double mileage, gain 50HP.

2 things really impressed me about this stunt: 1) The cameras on the toll system are amazing, and 2) The speed of the radar acquisition.

Um, for 36k, you can get a nice VETTE convertible, with the same engine, and still under factory powertrain warranty. From 2008.

The slower a reciprocating piston engine runs, the more efficient it becomes.

As a Spokane resident, I'll vouch that the Pullman Spokane highway is an evil bitch in the winter. The drifts alone, coupled with the extra crowned roads and icing tendancies have given the highway the nickname of "highway of death."

Holy crap. I grew up in the Netherlands (from 87-93) and remember everything being expensive, but had no idea it was THAT bad.. I was busy buying brommers and boring out cylinders (Dutchies will understand.. :)

Moral of the story, NEVER buy a used car in Russia.. :)

Sad, but I'd probably pay for that service. :)

Yeah, like the freezing point of sea water in England and the rectal temperature of a cow are waaay better standards. Fahrenheit for the ignorant.


Which is why I stuffed one into my notoriously unreliable car, the Pontiac Fiero. 30 MPG, 250 lb ft of torque, and 2600 pounds of car mean cheap reliable fun.

Hey, I'm just glad to see actual innovation. Even if it isn't perfect, it's at least something NEW. I'd rock it.

It does now, mine's got a 3800 out of a '98 grand prix in the back, and the suspension has been built to match the promise of fun.. :

Definitely need to bring back the Fiero! Mine's got 305k miles on it now, and there's almost nothing left stock on it, but I'd still like a newer-engineering one. It'll never happen, but I can dream.

Having flown internationally a lot, the worst by far is being on some local airline in south america or the middle east where personal hygiene rules are VERY different than I'm used to, and sandwiched between two huge hairy dudes who don't believe in bathing, are wearing clothes that haven't been washed in years, and

It's a Fino kit, not Fini. And I think the headlights come from a caravan.

I wish I could give you more than one star click. Every time I have to explain SAE Net HP vs. gross-no-accessories-ideal-conditions-handpicked-dyno-HP I die a little inside.