Aaron Hill

<%wgluv2hunt> I was in a bar Saturday night, and had a few drinks.
<%wgluv2hunt> I noticed two large women by the bar. They both had strong accents so I asked, “Hey, are you two ladies from Ireland?”
<%wgluv2hunt> One of them screamed, “It’s Wales you idiot!”
<%wgluv2hunt> So, I immediately apologized and said,

Wow, a sad day indeed for Sex and the City fans. RIP Sarah Jessica Parker.

I haven’t seen this much siding with Cousins since the Hatfield/McCoy feud.

There once was a team from Miami

Keith Olbermann Body Slams Trump Through The Core Of The Earth

translation: I needed a pretext to get minor acquaintances to talk shit about Ted Cruz. Ted Cruz probably is every bit the asshole they say he is, but this is bush league.

That the ignoble cretin Ted Cruz has managed to slink his way up to this level of prominence in society is truly an indictment of society’s hierarchical system. That, and I really hate his odious demeanour. And face. His face is rather punchable.

I didn’t read the whole thing because come on. But I read the part about him being a huge asshole and a nightmare of a human being and scrolled down here. I’m not going to argue that it’s probably true, but I think it is fair to say that anyone that has ever climbed to the highest echelons in American Politics (senate

Look, I loathe Ted Cruz. He is the worst of the worst.

And to think that this is merely the first of two interviews the Cowboys require before signing a player.

Think about what a colossal shithead you have to be to “undermine the reputation” of the Cleveland Browns.

Two things from the linked article; 1.) Her dresser was pushed up to the window which could mean she snuck out to meet him (not exactly abduction) and 2.) She has a liver condition that requires medication or she could die.

“. . . the only pic of him you can find to use is a screencap of him being named the Student Athlete of the Week?

He only stopped typing because he couldn’t see the screen through all the spittle.

I’m not sure if this is the right spot for a review of “Making a Murderer”

tl, dr

Freshmen college track athletes do not, as it were, have a large collection of subjects on wire photo services.

This is fucking amazing kinja. Just jaw-dropping.

wait what? you know innocent til proven guilty is for reals right? and also the cops don’t always arrest the right suspect?