According to the DVD commentary, his response was "no way", to which someone quips that the "way" was a little unnecessary.
According to the DVD commentary, his response was "no way", to which someone quips that the "way" was a little unnecessary.
And a recurring reference throughout the series, to the point where I'm surprised they never licensed it.
Circumventing the need to pay royalties for a commissioned original work?
It strikes me as kind of artistically lazy to browse stock photos to represent what's presumably your biggest creative effort to date.
I don't think a Beatles double album released in 1968 is the best example for why album art doesn't matter.
Shitty behavior by human beings is interesting when it's taken as inevitable and not worth examining by virtue of it being common. Dismissing or devaluing examination of that behavior is sort of a tacit defense of it, imo.
The more intensely you present yourself as a "gamer" and consider it your core identity, the more likely you are to represent the worst aspects of "gaming culture", as far as I can tell.
Hmm, I'm trying to imagine Jerry Seinfeld being a prick about something he doesn't understand
tangent, but whoever came up with the phrase "fashion crime" should be in actual jail
It does not.
You said "there shouldn't be even a little mercury in them", and you "can't imagine what even a tiny amount would do to a little kid", so yeah, these are somewhat alarmist judgments to proactively comment about before doing research.
Probably not, but the climactic scene in that movie really reaches for the stars on that front
Gentle reminder that Ace Ventura is probably the most aggressively transphobic movie of all time and the defining feature of your childhood is that you didn't know anything
The problem is that people hear mercury and think "mercury?? gosh, isn't that bad? I'm no scientist, but even tiny amounts of mercury would probably destroy a child!"
It takes more work than most people realize!
I think you're describing a characterization of FemFreq that I wasn't trying to make. I think what you described is the tactic of co-opting a good-faith critique to dismiss the value and authority of FemFreq/Anita Sarkeesian to speak on the topic. What I was trying to do was caution that attempting a critique of…
It's never about the specific person you're talking to, they're always an ambassador for everyone you've ever hated and all the stupid things you imagine they believe.
There should probably be some kind of hashtag for quickly clarifying that you're trying to make an intellectual critique without diminishing the person, their work, feminism, or giving cover to people who use that sort of thing as cover for their shitty beliefs.
I think it's possible to critique objective arguments without denying personal experiences or presuming to understand a perspective we haven't lived. I think any viewpoints we offer about prejudices and stereotypes about women should be carefully considered and taken as the outside perspectives they are. I think it's…
The success or failure of feminism affects everyone even if it affects women approximately 900000% more. I don't buy the idea that men are unaffected by sexism and marginalization in society apart from benefiting from it (even though by and large they do). Society improving on these fronts would be a benefit for…