
STFU with Keith Olbermann

I thought it was fine, though I have no problem with anyone who thought it was stupid.

Agreed, I thought it was the best since the first season. Though part of what makes it satisfying is how well it deals with series history and fittingly wrapping up all those wandering character arcs, so I probably wouldn't recommend someone stick through everything in between just to get to it.

Oh yeah, well my band had an album CALLED Pulse.

The constant "revived Empire" or "new ultimate evil" stories make the EU timeline pretty silly. The best option  is similar to how a lot of fans are responding to the movie edits: make your own canon. In my case, I read the Zahn books and that's pretty much it. Even with him gradually making Thrawn into this

Good lord, that was an awful review. It's appropriate you profess to be an expert on sneering tone, because this is a really good example of it.

I grew up on Mega Man, and I agree with C-Weezy, I still really like 5, it's a solidly designed game even if it didn't do much new. I never understood the people who complained that the games got "stale"….it's like pizza. Just because you've had pizza four times doesn't mean you progressively like it less. The magic

It wasn't so much that it was a new tale, as it was attempting to be a realistic, depressing sci-fi drama with a dense new-age spirituality, boring protagonists, and no villain. It went all-in on its Big Ideas and they were handled poorly (and not very good to begin with).

The idea that he's specifically channeling his father as this episode's "cover ID" didn't occur to me until I read your comment, Skipskatte — that's pretty chilling, and puts a new spin on Maddie's reaction. I got that it brought it all back to her, but that look of shock as her husband is suddenly in the room

Toddlers & Tiaras is kind of like an expose on child abuse that the producers don't realize they're making. And most viewers don't realize they're watching.

The guitar-playing in question was a year ago, he hasn't done it a dozen notable times since then. We're just hearing about it again because of the documentary.

It's a good narrative for people who already don't like him to publicly hate-wank to.

Hell, it was heavily implied in the pilot and outright referenced in the Season 1 finale. This isn't new.

@Judge Reinhold, that's what I've always said, too. Or like there were 20 writers' rooms and they played a season-long game of telephone.

I thought the commercials hinted at the kind of show Todd's review talks about. I'm glad to hear that it's entertainingly awful rather than disappointingly mediocre. I'll have to give it a look. Here's hoping they realize how shitty their show is and just fuckin' go for it.

*declares the death of American culture*