+1 googol for Where's My Droid. So simple, yet so effective.
+1 googol for Where's My Droid. So simple, yet so effective.
@Terry: And safety. If your windows are covered in ice outside and fog/moisture inside, it's more than your comfort at stake. Also, driving with 27 layers of clothing, and/or shivering, I don't believe is very safe, either. Remember, cars may be able to run just fine at below zero temperatures, but humans cannot.
@SALVATlON: If you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough ;)
@neely615: Or live in the Pacific Northwest. Apparently the humidity can actually go over 100%!
@Alexander Ward: I doubt that 240v heater would work well for most of Lifehacker's readers.
@Gimmeslack: This is why I don't buy the "listen to it the way the artist/producer intended" arguments. I truly believe in equalizers because no speaker or environment is perfect.
@NixonsGhost: Well if snow is racist, so is night!
@CallMeJordy265: That's my preferred method of staying warm. I end up getting extra exercise, too.
@KillerBee: That's the first thing that came to my mind.
@Ash78 smells more like Designer Imposters than Teen Spirit: Regardless of weight of the battery, put it in the trunk. It may not reduce the weight, but it helps balance the F/R ratio.
Yahoo? That's sooo Y2K.
@Mickets: I prefer a corporation watching me that the government. If you prefer the opposite, have fun in China!
First, it's not a pump at all. It's just a simple transfer hose.
@Ursus Maritimus: PS: I've yet to see ANY Motorola device that's been thoughtfully engineered and reliable. Cable boxes are no exception. I even had the 4x4 controller box on my Explorer fail, leaving my full-time-4wd vehicle stuck in 2wd - took it out to find it was made by Motorola!
Once again, Comcast fails.
Video chat is expensive? I've been doing in on MSN and Yahoo Messengers free for almost a decade.
@Lactose_The_Intolerant: Keyboard feet are bad. In this day and age, I'm surprised manufacturers still put them on there.
@MitchMan: What Whitson said, and you only wear one change of clothes to the store. With this fake phone, he can try it out in all of his pockets in all of his pants, shirts, etc.
@gthing: I was thinking along those lines. I believe the po-po calls this "paraphernalia."
@Killjoy: That's what The Man tells us. My how the tables have turned ;)