www.youmail.com Problem solved.
www.youmail.com Problem solved.
@osiris73: Microsoft Streets and Trips is not an "uber-expensive commercial program." I used to use it to route my stops.
@AmphetamineCrown: A-MEN, brother! Nobody (not even my wife, kids, or mother) wants to deal with me sans caffeine.
I have insanely high arches. I can't even walk around the house for too long without my shoes with arch supports in them, or I'll be in some serious pain. Grass and sandy beaches are about the only surfaces my feet can stand.
I refuse to pay for any music service with such poor audio quality. That's why I ditched XM radio in my car for an 80gb hard drive with my music collection ripped to 320kbps MP3. Loved XM, but on my expensive audiophile system, sounded like crap.
To those that think this is hard on cables/cords: be gentle and make large, loose loops. In 15 years, I've never had a cord fail or fall apart due to this. When a cord fails on me, it's either because I was impatient and yanked on it, or I got carried away with the razor knife...
@ribex: That was my first thought. I learned how to do this crocheting when I was 5 years old. Then one day I thought, "hey, I could wrap up this cord like that..."
@Manic King of Corinthia: Yes, but yes, and yes (MCSE mobile audio installer here). You're spot on.
That's why I'm glad I live in the small town I do. I leave the keys in the ignition (they don't get lost that way) and the windows down when it's hot. The worst that's ever happened is a friend jumps in it and parks it around the corner as a prank.
Here's my tip: Take a T-mo BB Curve anywhere in the world, connect to wi-fi, and your phone will act as if it's right here in the States. Sure, you're limited to wi-fi coverage only, but it doesn't cost a dime extra.
This can be done much easier. Install remote start/keyless entry system. Remove/unplug keyswitch from dash. Bypass steering wheel/shifter lock mechanisms.
I take my T-mo Blackberry Curve (with Wi-Fi and UMA) when traveling to Canada. I turn OFF the GSM radio in it, and simply use Wi-Fi to make unlimited calls, messaging, emails, and web browsing. The coverage sucks, as I have to find Wi-Fi, but it doesn't cost me a dime - it actually costs me less than using a cell…
@fate47 shops smart, shops S-Mart: I think SteveDave has multiple personalities ;)
I heard that if you want to run XP, that you can run it all by itself without Windows 7, and that way you don't have to complain about it.
@infmom: I never understood how one can "waste" water. If you let it go down the drain, it goes right back into the ground - where it came from.
@ZemarCilix: That's not sarcasm, that's old school. It would be badass to play Super Mario Bros. on that projector screen!
@psychiccheese: I second the silver/gold cables; adamantium is way too rigid!
AT&T just took over Unicel in my area, so I COULD get an iPhone if I wanted to. But MMS, copy&paste, tethering, and multitasking are too important to me, so I'm sticking with my Curve.
@GregDinAL: "every DAY one HOA should be chosen at random and executed live on network TV. "
@veronykah: Landlords aren't concerned about sound. Sound doesn't destroy the residence (just your sanity). They're concerned about chewing, clawing, and peeing. Chihuahua's do considerably less of those three things than Labs or Shepards.