
Safety Pins, hands down. Zipper broke? Button popped off and didn't see where it went? A safety pin can save you from showing your bra or undies to all your coworkers.

I got me a cheap wireless mouse combo from Wally World three years ago. Although it's amazing it still works, I have become accustomed to the back and forward buttons on the mouse, and now I use them for everything. I forgot there WERE back and forward buttons on the toolbar!

Isn't this what Bram Cohen's original bittorrent app did in 2003?

Sync contacts with Outlook. I'm not a big outlook fan, but I use it to sync my WinMobile6 phone and Blackberry, so it would be dandy to automatically sync all my Gmail contacts to Outlook, too, so they would in turn sync with the WM6 and Blackberry.

My cat has been sleeping in the open bow of the Bayliner since she was big enough to jump into it. Twelve years later, she still sleeps there, and we don't have to worry about mice or birds in it!

Yes, GrandCentral would be great.... if someone was handing out invites...

First, almost all store rewards cards come not only in full credit-card-sized cards, but also in little keychain cards. And unless you are trying to get your car stolen, you should have your keys with you.

The more the merrier! Keep 'em coming, Gina!

It will never be Gmail ;)

OK, all you people stop bragging about your enormous displays! IT'S NOT FAIR! Hehehe. To the point, yes, I think a larger monitor(s) would make me more productive, as I'd spend less time minimizing, resizing, moving and scrolling windows.

A common misconception that apparently nobody here is aware of is that ClearType is for LCD screens. It is NOT designed for CRT screens. ClearType makes most fonts look worse on CRT screens.

@Captain_Apathy: "If drinking coffee is your only vice in life, you aren't in that bad of shape."

If you're that paranoid (even if your paranoia is justified), just turn of your computer. Problem solved.

dd-wrt FTW. The QOS options it has are beautiful.

@1300ccsoffury: "but 0-60 in 4.2 seconds? That's all you get from 737.56 lb./ft. of torque?"

Everyone here is focusing on food, but the first thing that came to my mind when I read the title of the article was "buy a new fridge!"

@zerotrinity: I don't do it because it looks nice, I do it because it's fun. Of course, I do it in an all-wheel drive SUV, so it's much more challenging, too. Any idiot can floor an RWD and make it slide.

Why would anyone need anything more than one single Gmail account? I guess if you just like to make your life more complicated.

@snoldak924: No, the LCD isn't the concern, but the HDD is. Magnets strong enough to pull iron out of your blood? Hardly. A little Googling reveals that although it DOES require strong magnets (a 12" subwoofer or two), it's nothing an average consumer can't obtain. The magnets in the article? Harmless.