
Plus the mindfuck panic that might ensue if the public understood that they can print their worries away literally and receive free stuff from countries like China for printed paper. Because that would be too much like Zimbabwe and Germany, right Hillary?

Yeah, I think my reserve currency comment covers the Petrodollar/international trade issue, so no real disagreement there. I could also point out to how people all over the world will most likely carry US dollars in airports when traveling abroad as another obvious sign. It’s part and parcel of being part of the

MMT has landed on Splinter News, this is a welcome development! This means no more of HamNo applying rote political rhetoric to economic problems but also the collective audience dozing off as it becomes increasingly technical. This ought to go well. 

This is like Flint water crisis and Greek negotiation against Germany rolled up into one. How much will all this add to costs down the line? As if the current bill is not big enough, now we’ll have to add health issues and child development issues (and education, but who’s even thinking about that now?) to the bill

Oh that tears it, no one messes with Julius! Give us his name Terry, we’ll go Malvo on his ass for you. PS RIP Ricky Harris

Because Trump’s Twitter account is highly valuable and is the single most useful source of his PR efforts. Not that you guys in the media are helping by constantly being outraged by what he writes on Twitter, but I assume you all are smart, savvy people who understand where the value to his Twitter account comes from.

White has all the qualities of a scheming promoter that will not hesitate to cheat to ensure his kingmaker’s legacy isn’t ruined. One more reason why a Ferguson vs. McGregor fight isn’t likely to happen this year and even if it does, the odds will be stacked against Ferguson.

It was incredible to hear from Ferguson yesterday that he had planned it all along for Lee to come out swinging and be aggressive with the goal of weathering the storm and tiring him out. By the second round Ferguson was literally picking him apart. He purposely kept his hands down to make Lee commit to swinging, ate

I’m sorry but after all the terrible things that happened this week that you’ve already listed off above, the only reaction I have left is to laugh uncontrollably.

Person B tells Person B what? In the interest of keeping sanity intact, I elect to end this incoherent discussion.

In other words, you’ve got nothing other than to say no. Gotcha, thanks for playing.

I believe the recognition has long been established through my Widow’s Cruise remark and by virtually all progressive economists out there. But then what’s next? Since you are so keen, why don’t you tell me what your strategy to economic growth is? Just saying no to a tax cut bill certainly ain’t going to cut it

The solution to repeated insistence again and again that investment-led growth via tax cuts is the only way. What is the alternative solution (that’s for you HamNo)? I believe I laid out the clues in my previous post but if you are lacking context, you can read a book like this to help:

*Sigh* I see that you identify and frame the problem well HamNo, but I am consistently disappointed with your solutions to the problem.

When will Corey Lewandowski come through for Puerto Rico? I’d like to believe that my hunch about Corey getting paid (possibly out of federal dollars from PR) regardless of results is just my usual cynicism.

If the IOC is truly to blame here, then I’d fully expect the NHL to stay on the sidelines for Beijing 2022 too. Somehow I am skeptical that that would happen.

And there’s also the fact that Sarah as Judy cannot seem to destroy the image of Laura as hard as she tries to (“I’m dead. Yet I live.”). Good and evil are just the flipside of the same coin and can’t be neatly separated. There is no sin without God. That to me is the meaning of infinite loop Jeffries shows to Cooper

Wasted sex scene? Not sure I follow, to me this is their last fleeting moment together as the real Diane and Dale (their souls) while the effects of crossing the 430 mile lane slowly take over and they are separated spritually.

but Dale Cooper is in some respects Lynch’s idealized alter ego

But that’s most professional boxing. Finding a compelling, legitimate fight card is just hard. Just ask Charles Farrell.