
Ok then! Just keep up that attitude with all women and POCs as you’ve been doing and your belief system will be rightfully extinct in a couple years. Hopefully before ruining some more elections but I guess we’ll see!

Oh well, pack it up libs, the lying brogressive internet commenter says the article is stupid and wrong. That certainly settles that!

Keep going kid!

Jesus Christ. Scroll up in the thread, you moron. This is so typical of Bernie bros, spouting many-times-over-disproven shit then when they get called on it it’s suddenly all “YEAH PROVE IT THEN!” And repeat. I’m not going to do the work for you for the hundredth time. You know you’re full of shit and obviously aren’t

Working on your new pitch to Marvel, Straw Man?

It’s written by a black person. Unless their name is Nina Turner they don’t exist to Bernie bros.

It’s not reality, as has been proven repeatedly, but yet here you still are.

I’m glad you replied a second time to get in that labored attempt at humorously misunderstanding an internet comment.

Saying some variation on the tired “hot take” meme: check

....congrats? Then you had one, not comparable at all example you tried to force anyway. What’s your point?

Making the same thing over and over now qualifies as that? Wow, you Marvel fans have really had to drop your standards.

Either you’re so stupid you can’t read or you’re intentionally doing it to try and backtrack a stupid thing you said. Either way - pretty embarrassing!

The movement Bernie & his cult started already ruined the country. So thanks, I’m good. But that’s nice to see you’re back to projecting your own failures yet again!

Hey, maybe you used a shitty example!

Again, denying reality. Remind me how diehard Bernie bros and Trump people are different?

Oh right the bill that has no hope of passing, as everyone living in reality knows. Now say something about Wisconsin!

Gonna tell me to “bend the knee” and post a Game of Thrones gif next, big man?

How about how you were already decisively proven wrong with your propaganda earlier in the thread, and decided to ignore it and use it again later. That does seem pretty embarrassing! Nice projection.

You spelled “later-career Judd Apatow” wrong. Yeah the guy directing a throwaway comedy superhero movie is definitely the next Robert Altman.

Hold on, just looked at the rest of the thread to see you literally checking off every square on brogressive bingo. Don’t waste anyone else’s time with your white-bro bullshit and go back to your clan on dirtbag twitter and that $50k/month socialist podcast. Thanks!