
Nice... "The Court Jester", where the chalice with the palace holds the brew that is true!

Yeah, at 186Gbps I'd hit my monthly cap in about 10 seconds.

Oh, please. I'm sure it started out that way, but over time and several different hands, and the pressure of "just get it working before we come back from commercials", cable chaos is inevitable.

I generally agree that Amazon isn't likely to switch away from android, but:

... and make sure you label the jug "piss" so you don't mistake it for real Gatorade.

Yeah. They've effectively made WebOS a direct competitor with Android (and/or Chrome). Unless HP can get other manufacturers to build it in phones or tablets, it's still a dead end. Even if they add developers, I don't see it having the same kind of backing that Google is putting into Android.

I could be wrong, but I think the word you want is "aesthetic". "Ascetic" means severe self-discipline/abstention from indulgences.

I agree with others that it's grammatically correct as written, but that its phrasing could be improved. "Molybdenite also has mechanical properties that make it flexible" is about right.

Actually... I'm using this as a "free" upgrade from XP (on a netbook). I've changed it to not default to Metro.

Hah! Thanks also for the "correct" spelling of "favourite" :-)

"It's a shortening of mathematics, which is plural."

By your thinking, women should be better at parallel programming than men... and since this is where the needs are *right now*; with multi-core and multi-thread CPUs, women should RULE at this! C'mon ladies, step up and lead us to the next advancements in computing power!

It's a Least Common Denominator for me. Every day I use a Mac, Windows, and Solaris, and I don't want to learn the quirks of multiple apps that should do the same thing.

I just skimmed it, but I think the important points are:

I'd just like to point out that modern processors themselves are massively parallel. They are designed using languages such as Verilog and VHDL, which are compiled into simulators that have to do a lot of things at the same time (for example, there's something going on in every stage of the pipeline). Running a

I probably have some of those tubes lying around, with RAM chips (from the early 80's). If we lost the stoppers, we jammed anti-static foam on the ends (the same stuff we put the boards on when we reworked them).

It may not be fair to judge a person entirely on a single presentation, but often times that's your only chance. If you need profanity to make your point, maybe your point isn't one I need to hear. One thing I don't buy is that this is part of the guy's "brand". The presentation should work regardless of who's

It's actually not that easy. The tricky part of a multicore processor is the amount of cache, the amount of memory and I/O bandwidth, and the interconnect that ties it together. It's all about the bottlenecks...

Not necessarily. The higher up you are, the slower you need to move to counteract the pull of gravity.

Because... you should buy a product based on its capabilities, not on its technical specs?