
How is that *not* a design flaw? Failsafes should prevent the effects from cascading from a single point of failure.

The need of a third-party server makes this a non-starter for me.

Yeah. Where's the wall-to-wall coverage? Oh yeah, Alaska's not close enough to the East Coast.

Not really. All you need are things that have different amount of error to compare to it. You may not be able to figure out exactly how much your error is, but you can put bounds on it.

My problem with this disproportionate coverage is that it came at the cost of covering other stories. What's happening in Libya? Syria? Other parts of the world, or even other parts of the US? What I saw on the national channels was about 58 minutes of Irene coverage, and 2 minutes of "and here's what else is

Why the Apple //e (1983) and not the original Apple ][ (1977)? The form factor and even the internals of the //e were substantially the same as the original ][. (plus, adding the time when the ][ and ][+ were being sold makes for an even more impressive 16+ years of product life)

Some would point to the detente with Microsoft as the turning point. That isn't an Apple product or technology, but it was a significant event.

I'm calling "East Coast bias" on the coverage. Just like they made such a big deal about the earthquake the other day. If that happened anywhere else in the country, we'd barely have been told about it.

My least favorite Apple product is the frikken Magic Mouse. No physical buttons, and a touchpad-like surface on top to replace the scrollball of the Mighty Mouse. I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to throw the thing against the wall because of all the unintended gestures it thought I wanted. This is the

I wouldn't go as far as to say it's "one of the best designs ever", but if you've ever pulled one apart, it's a very clever design. The cooling issues aren't that bad (CPU speed = 450-500MHz, not like today's 2-3GHz).

A friend of mine gave me hers (I think she got it from a school she worked for), and it's a fun toy. Other than an optical drive that needs a little help ejecting a disk, it works great! If I ever need a machine to native-boot OS 9 (e.g., old HyperCard stacks) this will get the job done. (I also have a G4 Mini that

So, chop it in half... problem solved!

A superduperdrive with full Blu-ray support!

Sorry, that wasn't my intent, although now I can see why you'd think it was.

Um, compared to Windows 95?

This isn't a recent phenomenon. People with more money have always bought more influence and power.

I'll pass. I put my wallet in my back pocket— If I sit on this thing, the phone will not survive.

Umm, maybe you need Math level "E". By your reasoning, there's no function for things like circles.

You can do that with DD-WRT, too. My internal network is "myhome.net". Of course, I can't use this to refer to my devices from outside, but that's ok.

That's crap. If you were "asking a legitimate question", you would have stated it in a different, less confrontational way. Own up to it, troll!