
@Whitson Gordon: Looks like it. They hackintoshed an install disk to make it easier to put all the pieces in one place. With an unadulterated copy, you'd have to gather the various pieces and it wouldn't be as automated.

@Platypus Man: That bit is just to make you feel less guilty. If you buy the real ISO, you might not feel as bad about ripping off Apple when you use the hacked copy.

In tcsh, I use a combination of pushd/popd, ctrl-D selection, tab-completion, $cdpath, and the history stack. Been doing it this way for the last 15 years or so...

This is now my new wallpaper!

I think beyond the actual mechanics of programming, another article should address the mental process. For example, if you spend more time up front just *thinking* about what you're trying to accomplish, you will probably spend less time debugging and optimizing your code. #teachyourself

"Let's face it, the Internet was designed for the PC. "

This is *not* a new idea. I read a story about WWII soldiers making chess sets like this, which leads me to believe it would go back even further than that.

@Puleen: The command you listed does exactly the same thing as Gina's, with the exception of where the output is stored. Perhaps you meant "ls -R", or even "find /Applications -type f". In any case, there's no need to cd to the directory.