
Is that picture a fan art or an actual screenshot from the PC version. I heard they got some kind of small graphical update, but that picture looks sweet!

This sounds very good. The other expansion seemed boring.

Hey, I've seen much worse boob bouncing in other games.

Harmonix, please, don't sell out to every console or device that can play games.

I was expecting classic arcade galaga or galaga 88'. This looks like some weird combination of the two.

Makes me regret shooting at my old gameboy with a bb gun back in the day.

The best news ever. <3

o.o Beautiful.

Disapointed that there wasn't any DLC or at least the boss battle track pack built in the GH3 game. I pirated GH3 just to get my fix when I traded off my copy for the 360. Now I am getting it for the PS3 and plan on getting it for the 360 so I can play all my DLC.

This'll give me a reason to use home for about 10 minutes. lol

DRM is pointless. and there's no way you can make it un-piratable. The best thing you can do is make a solid game that's worth paying for or keep the games needing a Serial Key to play online/offline.

I saw Capcom and Movie, and instantly thought: Dead Rising Movie! PLEASE!

We need to start putting shock collars on our children.

Prototype is way cooler looking and more fun looking than this game... Does all of his powers have to be electro-looking with a blue shade? Seriously.

Another company most people don't know or care about springing out of no where to try and cause a dilemma over things we actually do care about.

It's never EVE-Online or Guild Wars or any other MMO. It's always WoW, and I don't see how. The game isn't that great or fun.