Adrian Avelar

Does anyone else think it’s possible to update the original suit design, primarily from the first film, and do it as a badass series at some point?

Hmm. Alexandra Daddario?

Alexandra Daddario?



When exactly have they not killed in the MCU? All the way back to the first film.

Stupid, sexy commercials ...

“Well, isn’t he a lady killer ...”

I always thought it was more the cleavage bit that bothered her about it, not the corset in general. I could be totally wrong, though.

You petty.

That’s pretty funny.

I’m rooting for Anya Taylor-Joy more than anything else.


Jesus. Tell us how you really feel.

Wiped off, or just not continued? It’s not a question of canon since George never considered the EU canon anyway. He’s said this. So has Dave. So, do you mean just stopped eventually?


I was just about to ask this.

What will happen is Grace will just shrug the wrongness aside and say that Lucasfilm and Pedro came to an agreement. So, she wasn’t wrong, it’s just fixed now.

If I recall, and I could be wrong, that ridiculous rumor started with Grace Randolph, so it should’ve been ignored from the very beginning.

I wonder if Dave would introduce her. He was George’s Padawan, and I’ve seen quotes before that George didn’t like Mara Jade at all.